✧ Chapter Seven ✧

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The plan was supposed to be happening for two weeks. In those two weeks, as they waited for the right day, Chuuya went out on various extra missions that Mori sent him on, Dazai too accompanied some of the other members on theirs and helped them out.

Now it was the second of December, the plan was going to take place on a Sunday, on the fifth of December

Chuuya was yet again away with Mafia business, whilst Dazai stayed at the hotel and did any extra paperwork the agency was sending him to help him fill his time, surprisingly enough he was working incredibly hard, not only that but Dazai found that he was actually enjoying himself.

But he did feel a little empty without Chuuya by his side. Recently he had realised that he had grown to be incredibly comforted by the older's presence and incredibly used to it, more so than he had when they were younger, he felt this inexplicable loneliness like half of himself had been snatched away. But he did feel a sense of peace that he was alone, he felt like he could still be independent.

Dazai's sense of inner peace came to a stop when the phone rang and when he picked it up, it felt like the whole world had stopped.

"Atsushi's in hospital, he and Akutagawa got attacked"
"But what about his ability, it's supposed to heal him?"
"It's stopped working."

Dazai felt like his breath had been stolen from him
"What hospital is it?! I'll be there as soon as possible."

Fukuzawa told him the hospital and the details as the brunet scrambled to get changed. The call ended without even a Goodbye as Dazai sped out the door.

He took a taxi, his leg bouncing anxiously until he reached the hospital and even then he didn't bother to ask the receptionist what room Atsushi was in, he already knew.

When he made it, he saw Kunikida, Kyouka, Gin and Higuchi, all sitting down in the waiting area
"How is Atsushi-kun?" Dazai asked as he crouched down, placing his hands on his knees allowing his body to take in the oxygen he had just used.
"Not well." Kunikida replied grimly, as he rubbed his temples
"And Akutagawa?" Dazai asked as he turned to Gin, she looked a little surprised that he was even asking about her brother, she was well aware of how a Dazai had treated him but not so much aware of how he was treating Akutagawa now.

Gin pondered about it her lips pouting slightly, she looked stunning as always, she wasn't dressed in her normal androgynous look, making her look particularly feminine, added with her naturally timid personality.
"He's not as bad as Atsushi, just a bullet in his shoulder." Gin murmured finally as she fiddled with her hair nervously.

Both Atsushi and Akutagawa weren't even on a mission when they were attacked, they just spontaneously decided that they wanted to go out and eat something together, then completely out of the blue they were being merciless fired at.

"Pardon me but Mr Akutagawa is awake and he's accepting visitors." A nurse interrupted with a small bow before walking to deal with other patients nearby. Gin nodded towards Dazai to permit him that he was allowed to see Akutagawa, then both him Gin and Higuchi walked into the room.

Akutagawa was lying down, his eyes shut comfortably, trying to deal with the pain in his arms, the doctor hadn't given him any painkillers, for the time being, in case he could feel anything wrong with it.
"Brother?" Gin's soft voice rang through the empty hospital room, in such a sweet tone that even Dazai and Higuchi had a hard time not melting into a puddle.

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