♡ Chapter Two ♡

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Dazai was the first to awake from his unfamiliar peaceful slumber, he yawned quietly, stretching his arms out and then rubbing his eyes tiredly, looking at Chuuya fondly, who was sleeping peacefully sprawled out on the entire bed -Chuuya did that when he slept, he spread himself out as if he was a starfish- it was rather amusing and quite cute.

Dazai then rather reluctantly got out of bed, turning on the heating as he made his way to the bathroom to wash up.

He walked into the, now, warm kitchen, he knew Chuuya would want some wine when he woke up, after all the smaller drank wine every chance he could get (even if he had little alcohol tolerance) Dazai wouldn't be surprised if the angry male drank more wine than water throughout his whole life, let alone a day, so Dazai, as a small thank you for his previous partner's actions the other night, decided to go buy some wine.
Dazai didn't bother to change out of his pyjamas and instead opted to put on his usual brown coat, covering the majority of his sleepwear, he then wrapped Chuuya's scarf around his neck.   

He strolled contently towards the store, humming a love song he couldn't remember the name of, not noticing the fact people were staring at him, thinking he was odd for still having his pyjamas on, especially in November on a cold chilly morning.

He was too busy thinking about how he could nag Chuuya when he gets back for being so kind to him, with a slight sly smile on his face, although when he thought about it if it meant that's he'd have to sleep on the couch again his best option would be to keep his mouth shut -though he didn't want to.

Meanwhile Chuuya awoke, in an empty bed, he wasn't surprised, but that didn't stop him from feeling slightly disappointed, hoping for some odd reason that he could have seen Dazai's sleeping face or at least him pretending to sleep. Curiously he got up and went to see if Dazai was in the living room, expecting to see him in the kitchen or sitting on the couch reading his book or listening to music, but he wasn't. Chuuya stood for a second, confused. He blinked and then rubbed his eyes, to make sure he was seeing properly but unsurprisingly Dazai didn't just reappear. Chuuya trudged, to the bathroom with a small and confused pout then shut the door feeling incredibly irritated, then proceeded to shower.

Only minutes after Chuuya got in the shower Dazai then returned, he could hear tranquil humming and the splashing of water on the shower floor, it was Chuuya. Dazai walked back to the kitchen, placing the wine on the counter. He then rummaged through the rest of the bag, pulling two glasses of wine, they had small snowflakes and ice drawn delicately on them in a deep icy blue, which remind the brunette of Chuuya's eyes, so, naturally, without a second thought, he bought them, even though he knew his wallet was going to hate him later on. Dazai carefully opened the bottle, making sure as little sound as possible was made, he poured himself about half a glass ( he usually didn't like wine but he had tested this in-store and it was actually very good).

He then poured some for Chuuya filling the delicate cup about three-quarters full. He then sat himself down on the couch, legs crossed over, his back leaning into the corner of it, the pillow and blanket from last night now sitting at the opposite end folded and stacked neatly. Dazai took his book about suicide placing it promptly into his right hand while using his left to hold his glass of wine, taking occasional sips from it, sometimes also swirling it around, his eyes periodically glancing at the cup as the blue snowflakes and red wine merged, making them appear like a deep purple.

Chuuya walked out of the bathroom again, still dressed in his pyjamas, although he did look much more refreshed than before, he halted, his eyes widening momentarily at the sight of the taller sitting on the couch.
"Where'd you go?" Chuuya asked crossing his arms, his foot tapping lightly on the wood of the floor, Dazai couldn't help but think he looked like a mother scolding her child. Dazai hummed and then pointed towards the counter, not bothering to turn around to look at him.

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