♡ Chapter Six ♡

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Everyone other than Seven and Five stared in absolute disbelief at the spot where their hostage had once stood. They had witnessed people dying before, so it wasn't a feeling of sickness and nausea that they felt uncomfortable by, but rather the eerily calm and almost enthusiastic nature that Dazai had displayed in regards to suicide, his words had sent a pleasant yet terrifying chill down their spines.

There was a suffocating silence between the five clueless teenagers, eyes darting at each other as if waiting for someone to say something, but even the usual jokesters, One and Two, were at a loss for words.

The silence however was swiftly cut into and melted away when they heard ecstatic cheering and whooping mixed with a series of shouts and swears, from below where Dazai had fallen.

And just as quickly as Dazai disappeared, he reappeared, this time he was levitating on the broken piece of fence that they had seen outside; it was surrounded in a red hue along with the other intruder from before, Chuuya. The ginger continued to whack him with his hat, being acutely aware not to make direct skin contact with Dazai while still swearing at him.

Three stared at them incredulously, feeling as if she was about to burst into either tears or anger, she was undecided on which one though, unfortunately, she didn't get the chance to decide either as a hearty, satisfying laughter filled the air. Seven, still next to Five, clutched the sides of her hat as she cackled.
"O-oh man- that!- that was worth one million yen! God the looks on you-your faces were pr-priceless, I-I mean I-I-knew he was g-gonna escape, but- but that was better than expected, pfft-" she continued to laugh as she walked to the spot where Dazai had previously stood. Three's eyes followed Seven's shoes before she lifted her gaze to make eye contact, her vibrant green ones clashing with Seven's electric blue ones.
"you knew? You knew he was going to escape? That my plan would fail?"
The green-eyed girl interrogated, her fingers curling into her palms, forming trembling fists.

Seven stared for a moment, probably contemplating what to say before eventually, she sighed with a shrug.
"To be honest I didn't even expect you to capture him." She replied truthfully, flashing a look of mock guilt, whether it was to annoy the other girl or not was debatable but nonetheless, Three felt tears of anger prick at her eyes
"So-so YOU KNEW IT WAS GOING TO FAIL AND YET YOU SAID NOTHING?? WHY?!? WHAT-WHAT WAS THE FUCKING REASON?!?!" Three hollered, her bubbling anger getting the best of her, in return all Seven could do was shrug again
"To teach you a lesson-"
"What?! What lesson is there to be taught?! How to bloody die?!" The twins raised an eyebrow with a smirk, their speaking habits had rubbed of on her.
"YOU-" Seven began raising her voice, shooting a scowl in Three's direction
"-you didn't listen to my instructions when I said you need to know your enemies like they're your best friends. You simply did the bare minimum because you thought you were smart enough to do things without any proper research." the dark blue-haired girl stated matter of factly
"WHAT?! What's there more to know? I know their names, abilities, ages, alliances. What else is there to know?" Three retorted causing Seven to sigh again, mumbling something under her breath about throwing herself off of the building with Dazai next time.
"Fine, let me show you then"

Dazai was quick to notice how everyone stood straight when she said that, she was clearly very respected, whether it was because they were afraid or they looked up to her Dazai wasn't quite sure yet.
"Let's start with the elephant in the room then" she pointed towards one of the twins flashing them a big grin. 
"Two! What's his name?" Dazai noticed that she didn't even need to analyse the twins to know which one is which, that was impressive.
"Dazai Osamu" Two replied simply.
"Now, let's see... Six! What's
Dazai-Sama's ability?" Chuuya and Dazai glanced at each other 'sama? What was that about? They only broke eye contact when Six's timid voice replied,
"It's No longer human, it means no abilities work on him and he can nullify anyone's abilities as well.
"Four! Where does Dazai-sama work?"
"The Armed Detective Agency." He answered coolly as he crossed his arms and leaned against the wall.
"Correct! That's the information you know, right Three?" Three reluctantly nodded as she slowly bit her cheek.

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