♡ Chapter Ten ♡

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Dazai barely managed to open his eyes from drowsiness, though he recognised he didn't feel much pain, he could feel slight pain but it also felt like it was glossed over by an unusual pressure.

When his vision de-blurred he could see his leg laying on Seven's lap being carefully bandaged. In any normal circumstance Dazai would have pulled his leg away and closed himself off, but he felt too tired for that and somewhat sympathetic for Seven.

She would sniffle and occasionally wipe her tears away, Dazai noticed how red her eyes were. Even if he felt somewhat vulnerable, she didn't mean to hurt him, truthfully speaking he had expected something like this, he had though it would happen earlier but when it didn't he pushed it aside and thought maybe his prediction was wrong for once, it wasn't, it was just a time he hadn't expected. 

"Seven-Kun..." he whispered softly causing her to shoot her head up and watch his expression, she then looked down at her hands and how they were bandaging his leg, she pulled away carefully, making sure Dazai's ankle didn't get hurt. She then placed her hands on her lap looking downwards as if to bow in shame.

Dazai analysed the room him briefly, just to get his bearings of his surroundings, he noticed a lot of wet bloodied cloths, as well as bandages both clean and dirty as well as rubbing alcohol and bandage scissors. He looked at Seven who was sniffling again
"I'm sorry, I know it makes you uncomfortable if someone looks at your uncovered skin but I couldn't just leave you bleeding on the floor ." She responded her shoulders giving a small jolt, Dazai sat up, patting her head comfortingly
"It's alright I'm not concerned about that, what I am though is how you're so good at bandaging." Dazai commented as he stared at his leg, she looked away sadly
"Even though I may have said I preferred Chuuya over you, I have a lot in common with you, suicide and bandages being one of them." She muttered sheepishly, Dazai looked at her in surprise, she was such a cocky and confident person.
"But you don't seem like it.." Dazai spoke looking directly at her
"Neither do you, you're like me, making jokes and laughing away all your feelings. You seem completely fine, if not annoying." She added, Dazai chuckled, he couldn't argue with that.

Seven took a shaky sigh in, as she stood up walking over to a counter picking up her phone and typing a text.
"The real reason all of this happening is because Five's ability went haywire and made yours or Chuuya-Sama's and Six's dreams all come true, so we're trying to stop any of them from happening."
"Figured it had something to do with Five-kun's ability."

Seven nodded and began to explain the whole situation to Dazai: about how Six's dream became looped with either his or Chuuya's, how to solve one problem they had to solve two others at the same time, whilst also keeping themselves and their families safe.

"That pain you felt that only subsided when Chuuya was there, was Five training your body to go into what's called the Plane of Visuri, the pain is associated with Chuuya-sama's dream and the only reason it would calm down when you were around each other was because Chuuya was reassured everything was okay. You reacted the same to how you would react if your dream came true but you felt the pain from Chuuya-sama's dream."

Dazia nodded, everything from the past two weeks was beginning to make perfect sense, it was just baffling how three teenagers were attempting to completely alter something that was almost completely set in stone.

Seven then walked up to and stand directly in front of the the brunet, a red glow surrounding her, it reminded Dazai of Chuuya when he used corruption, just it didn't seem to be mixed in with black and it slowly got brighter.

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