♡ Chapter Fourteen ♡

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Chuuya did eventually awake from his slumber next to Dazai. And was very thankfully carried back to the room by Akutagawa, he was then aggressively fed by Kenji.

Then after the two of them had left Chuuya was then visited by the nurse Okamoto.

"You gave people quiet the scare." She spoke as she cleaned Chuuya's room
"I'm sorry, I just couldn't help it...or something like that...I don't know."
"It's completely fine, I understand how you feel, a lot actually" Chuuya watched her as she sprayed down the table
"How so?" He asked
"I was in a car accident with my partner a few years ago and I,much like you, was staying in the hospital with broken bones while my partner was in a coma so I can only sympathise with you." Chuuya blinked at her, what a similar situation.

"So what happened? Did he wake up?" The nurse came up to him and helped him lean forward so she could fix his pillows, she smiled at him once she was done and lifted her left hand up
"He's my husband now." Chuuya's eyes widened, his face flushing a little as he looked at the ring on her finger
"Is it- is it okay I look at it?" Chuuya asked
"Of course." She gave him her hand and he took it in the palm of his hand, the ring was very pretty with three diamonds in heart shapes. Chuuya thought it suited her well, he then smiled, letting go of her hand
"It's very pretty, he picked a very beautiful ring." He looked down at his own hands a flustered blush on his face.

Chuuya had honestly never considered getting married, he wasn't opposed to it but he had never thought anyone would actually love him in that way, let alone want to marry him. Dazai also didn't seem like the type to want to marry anyone, he had spent most of his life sleeping around with people, Chuuya had always thought he wouldn't even be the type to stay loyal; if he was loyal, he didn't seem the type to stick around for very long.

"You're thinking of Dazai-san aren't you?"
"Yeah...I was just thinking that he doesn't seem like the type of person to get married."
"Would you like to get married though?" Chuuya looked at her scratching his head for a moment
"I'm not opposed to it...I guess..."
Chuuya paused for a moment and then his face contorted with disgust
"What is it?" Okamoto asked
"My name with Dazai's last name sounds horrid!" Chuuya exclaimed causing the nurse to begin to laugh
"Pfft- no one says you have to take his name! My husband took mine."
"Mhm, he said he liked my last name so he took mine instead." Chuuya thought about it smiling when he put his last name with Dazai's first name, it sounded beautiful.
"I know exactly what you're thinking and I agree with you." The nurse laughed, Chuuya smiled for a moment until he realised it might now even happen,
"It sounds beautiful but it won't even be close to happening if he never wakes up." Chuuya sighed, the nurse came over to him and placed her hand on his shoulder
"Have some hope, has he let you down so far?."
"In terms of him dying no, never. In other situations depends."
"Ahh, so it's that type of relationship, a complicated one."


Eventually, the nurse had to go and Chuuya was yet again left on his own, that's how he continued to spend most of his days: he'd sit alone and have anxiety eat away at him about Dazai's condition until someone would come and visit him, helping take his mind off of things.

But then when they'd leave he'd spiral back into worrying; he wasn't able to visit Dazai's room anymore as they made sure to keep a nurse on guard at all times. Chuuya had never felt so lonely in his life. He had also noticed that in the last week leading up to Christmas, people were visiting him a lot less than before, it almost made him feel like he was decaying away from existence.

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