✧ Chapter Five ✧

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Of course, the moment Akutagawa and Atsushi had walked into the hotel room they were met with bickering, it was very expected considering it was Dazai and Chuuya, though they never expected them to be bickering over something as unimportant as where to place two wine cups, both unaware of the significance behind them.

The two younger males stood utterly dumbfounded at the doorway watching as the two adults (who are supposed to be their superiors) argued much like an old married couple would, it made them wonder why exactly they looked up to them.

"HAHHH?!?!? what do you mean in the CABINET!? That's the worst place you could put them, they're so beautiful and you're saying to put them in that ratchet cabinet??!"
"Obviously, they're not display items, hat-wrack, you're supposed to keep them in cabinets with the other cups."
"And let them rot in there!!?"
"Cups don't rot Chuuya, I knew you were stupid but not this stupid." Dazai deadpanned while foraging through another bag
"MY patience with YOU is slowly rotting you piece of garbage" Chuuya snarled. More and more insults continued to be thrown back and forth until Atsushi hesitantly decided to cut it

"Ummm, c-couldn't you just place them in the glass cabinets over there? That way you could see them and keep them safe..." Dazai and Chuuya turned their heads towards their subordinates then towards the cabinets, then back at each other looking astounded at their own stupidity -personally, Dazai felt like an identity crisis was currently on the horizon. How could he have sunk as low as to be as stupid as Chuuya?

However he (and Chuuya) did notice something else, Akutagawa and Atsushi were holding hands, they seemed to have forgotten to let go upon entering the room.
"Well~ cup business aside how come we haven't been informed of your little, ahem, union?" Dazai questioned with a wiggle of his eyebrows as he placed his chin between his thumb and pointer finger. Making sure to use his words correctly, he knew if he ever overstepped any boundaries, the significant progress they had would have quickly diminished -that, and he knew Chuuya would give him an earful if his subordinate died from a heart attack ensued from the embarrassment that he had brought about.

The tiger and the dragon obviously didn't understand what the other was hinting at until they shifted their bodies around and felt the warmth encompassing one another's hand, the two didn't make eye contact but their gazes landed on their intertwined hands, before lifting to each other's, Ebony eyes meeting Dual-coloured Pink and Yellow ones, they stared stupidly at one another, then quickly pried their hands away. Akutagawa turned his face away masking his embarrassment with a sheepish and self-conscious cough. Atsushi on the other hand scratched the back of his neck, waving his other feebly around mumbling a train of excuses and explanations. Dazai and Chuuya could hardly keep themselves from rupturing into a fit of laughter.

The four then began to start unpacking, Atsushi and Akutagawa still had this delicate atmosphere surrounding them, therefore making them want to keep their distance from one another, if they got close their hearts would start pulsating rapidly.
However, it was quickly becoming apparent that not only were they incapable of staying away from one another, but also having Dazai and Chuuya unpack together was completely and entirely out of the question. Honestly, it was a mystery to both Akutagawa and Atsushi how the two had managed last time, especially considering they were alone at the time.

Only about ten minutes in Atsushi couldn't stand it any longer; the way Akutagawa would glare whenever either Dazai or Chuuya opened their mouth to speak he could tell that he too was reaching his limit of patience and daily dose of human interaction today, considering the fact he was already the most anti-social person Atsushi had ever met, he was astonished Akutagawa had made it this far in the first place.

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