♡ Chapter Eighteen ♡

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And surprise him he did, Dazai took his hand and ran with him downstairs to the restaurant reception where he paid, they then caught a cab (which was terrible because they had to keep all their emotions in check and pretend like they were just normal citizens on a normal day and not two newly engaged, excited men.

When they finally made it back home, just like the first time this happened, they walked in calmly and took their shoes off, Chuuya leaned against the door so he could take off his remaining shoe, but he never managed to take it off as Dazai scooped him by the legs and then butt, Chuuya held onto Dazai's neck for support while his legs wrapped around the taller's waist, his back still up against the door.

Chuuya giggled slightly when Dazai kissed him impatiently
"I still need to-to take my shoe off." He laughed as Dazai jumped up slightly so he could hoist him up and get a better grip on him and then carried him to the bedroom.
Dazai let go of the older and let him fall to the bed, then grabbed his ankle and took his shoe off, throwing it somewhere in the room, he clambered on top of Chuuya and wasted no time resuming where they were on the rooftop. Dazai's hands made their way to Chuuya's blazer, slipping it off his shoulders but not bothering to remove it from underneath him, he slid his finger underneath the fabric of the crop top, smiling against his lips
"Good thing you wore something that's easy to take off." He muttered as he looked at Chuuya with a clouded expression that sent waves of want down the smaller's spine.

Dazai pulled on the fabric with his finger and then let it snap back onto Chuuya's torso accompanied by a small slap sound. Dazai lowered down and began to nip and Chuuya's neck, trailing kisses from his jaw down to his collarbones. The older's breathes became short and hitched, tugging at his shirt that felt like a hot prison around his conflagrant skin.
"Dazai.. take-take it off" he whined a little more helplessly than he had intended.
"Okay, okay, calm down darling~" Dazai hummed with a smirk on his lips causing Chuuya to glare at him as he chuckled.

Dazai compiled and took his crop top off, he then slid his own blazer onto the floor and undid three of his shirt buttons, before sliding it off his body, noticing Chuuya's intense gaze, and how whatever minuscule amount of muscle Dazai had on him contracted at his actions.

Chuuya's eyes travelled downwards noticing Dazai's clothed cock sitting painfully and patiently for some release and he decided that despite it being his birthday he wanted to do something for Dazai, seeing as the other had already done so much for him, it was only fair.

Chuuya pushed Dazai so he was sitting on his ass, he then moved so that he was on all fours before dropping his arms now being supported by his elbows and his clothed ass was up in the air. Chuuya remembered the last time he sat like this after he had saved Dazai from dying cause of Shibusawa and Dostoevsky, who knew it was a foreshadowing of sorts?

Much to his surprise, Dazai didn't complain or say anything he just let Chuuya do what he wanted -he couldn't tell whether Dazai was letting him do this because it was his birthday or he was really in the mood but it didn't matter to him anyway, he'd have gotten what he wanted regardless.

Chuuya gripped the zipper of Dazai's trousers with his teeth, smirking up at him, being able to recognise and relish in the fond look on his lovers face. Chuuya opened the fly of Dazai's trousers, then slid them as far down as they could with Dazai being too lazy to properly prop himself up and take them off.

Dazai couldn't help but hiss at the cold when Chuuya took his cock out of its warm confinement, glancing down at Chuuya expectantly at the lack of action he was getting.
"What chibi? Forgotten how to blow someone off?" Dazai joked weakly provoking Chuuya to grab onto his erection and give it a slightly painful jerk upwards
"Nope, just wanted to stare at you." he responded with a shrug.

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