✧ Chapter Fiteen ✧

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Chuuya was granted three weeks off to spend at home, Dazai was going to be spending those weeks with him, apparently, he had reassured doctor Tamaki that he'd be with Chuuya the entire time, so when he would come to check on Chuuya's condition he would be able to check on Dazai's too, it was the price he had to pay for leaving much earlier than he should have. There wasn't much of a choice anyway, he had bandages to keep on and scars to hide, Tamaki knew about them -after all he had been the one to tend to Dazai's injuries many a time when he was younger- but the same couldn't be said for Yoshida-Sensei and Dazai intended to keep it that way -the only exception being Chuuya, he had already seen some of what was under his shield of bandages.

Even with Christmas Day now a few hours behind them Dazai was still set on putting up lights, decorating and celebrating, something that Chuuya found slightly surprising. Neither of them had been very keen on Christmas when they were younger, they usually decorated a tree together and argued about which globes looked better than others and then they'd sit together and eat and bicker but it was never anything special or exciting. At least Chuuya didn't think so the time, probably because of both his teenage angst and the normality of it, but then as soon as it was taken away from him he was brutally reminded of how much he appreciated spending Christmas with someone.

Dazai had always appreciated spending his Christmas with Chuuya.

"Say, Chuuya what did you do the first Christmas without your beloved boyfriend?" The brunet asked a he turned the last of the Christmas lights on.
"Just curious."
"Spent it a lot worse than you did that's for sure." 
"Really? How do you know I didn't just wallow in my self-pity?"
"Just a feeling."

Dazai laid down onto the floor, his head falling just by Chuuya's feet, staring up at him as dusted one of his shelves.
"Chuuyaaaa~ tell me! Oh unless you're scared?~" Chuuya sighed and stared down at him with his usual frown
"I spent a few hours celebrating at headquarters then went home and slept because it felt too lonely." Chuuya responded as he plopped down onto the floor, Dazai's head now sitting between his legs still looking up at him
"You were right I spent it better."
"Told you so." There was silence for a moment and then Chuuya flicked some of Dazai's dark locks from his face
"How did you spend your first Christmas?" He asked hesitantly,
"I drank at bar lupin and then watched some of the movies we used to watch together." Dazai responded he poked Chuuya's cheeks
"But when I joined the agency I was still kind of new so I originally wanted to spend it on my own again but most of the Agency don't have parents so they dragged me along with them."
"Was it fun?"
"Mhm, it was much better than spending it on my own." Dazai smiled letting his hand drop to his side sliding backwards so he could hoist himself upwards on his elbows and press a kiss to Chuuya's lips.

"Merry late Christmas." Dazai muttered as their lips parted Chuuya grinned
"Merry Christmas bastard."


They hadn't really expected many visitors, now that everything was over and done with, the holidays now being in the past and the New Year approaching, both the Agency and the Mafia were busy, leaving Chuuya and Dazai alone most of the time. You'd have thought the two would have gone insane being trapped inside an apartment together but actually with their newfound romantic relationship, things went rather smoothly, Chuuya was able to learn little habits that Dazai had, ones that he hadn't noticed when they were younger; the same could be said vice versa.

It was two days before New Year's Eve and unexpected guests had decided to pay a visit. Seven, Five, Six and surprisingly Three along with another girl neither of them knew.

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