♡ Chapter Sixteen ♡

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Dazai slammed his head against the desk the tenth time that hour
"I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die, I'm never going to see the light of day again, I'm going to brutally and painfully and unflatteringly killed-"
"Congratulations." Kunikida muttered as he scowled at Dazai.
"Dazai-San I really don't think you need to stress so much." Atsushi added trying to be supportive of his best friend
"But Atsushi-kun I didn't know what to get him! It needs to be gorgeous and grand but unique, that's too hard!" The brunet looked like was going to break down into tears, he really could be dramatic sometimes.

Dazai placed his head onto the desk on the verge of tears, ignoring the sound of the door opening and footsteps coming up to Atsushi or the ones following
"What wrong with Dazai-san?" It was Akutagawa.

"He can't think of anything to give or Chuuya-San for his birthday." Atsushi's replied smiling when the other male pressed a kiss to his head before ruffling his hair.
"Honestly I think it should be obvious at this point." Akutagawa muttered
"Dazai-sama! Head up! You're not gonna get anywhere if you mope." Dazai's head shot up, seeing seven standing with her hand on her hip
"Yup! The one and only!"
"But I thought you were looking for your parents?" Dazai asked
"Yeah, the only information I got was that they were last spotted in Kyoto two years ago so I'm going over there with Five and his little sister, still,  I decided to drop by and see how you were doing, it's been four months after all...Anyway Akutagawa-san can you tell us what Chuuya-sama wants?" She spoke turning to Akutagawa, he looked at her hesitantly, his face flushed in embarrassment, he waddled closely to Seven and whispered something in her ear, all Dazai could do was watch as the young girl choked and then flashed him the smuggest look on the planet
"I see...I see, well to put it simply he wants sweet, hot, passionate lovemaking!" Seven said bluntly with thick grin on her face, not redding in the slightest. Instead, she began to laugh when Kunikida choked on his coffee, Atsushi looked away to keep himself from snorting with laughter, Yosano leaned on the printer with the smuggest and most amused expression possible, looking at Dazai who for once in his life looked very flustered, Kenji not understanding any of it decided to go and give Kunikida a handkerchief, Noami peeked her head from over her laptop with mischievous eyes.

"Did you have to word it like that?" Dazai asked as he placed his hand over his face and sighed deeply
"I'm just saying, ~ and anyway Akutagawa-san seemed very done with it."
"I am, if I have to here Chuuya-San go on about the lack of...that, in your relationship... while drunk, I'm going to dig myself an early grave."
Dazia let his head fall to his desk in defeat
"He's been going on and on about communication and yet he didn't tell me about that." Dazai mumbled, Atsushi shuffled closer to Dazai and pat him on the back in an attempt to console him
"We said we'd take it slow." Dazai cried exasperated, it was a bit of an exaggeration but it didn't stop it from being funny.
"And it doesn't help me figure out what I should get him."
"I can help with that." Seven smiled, before checking her watch
"I'll have to leave but I think the person you should talk to is a woman named Emiko Okamoto, who works at the hospital you and Chuuya were in." the girl spoke as she opened the door and gave one final grin
"I think she'd have some useful information for you."
"How do you know?"
"Spoke to Chuuya-sama on the phone~" Seven sing-sang as she walked out of the office
"See you later Seven-kun!!" Atsushi called out
"Yeah! I'll be back in two months hopefully!"

Dazai sat and pondered to himself for while, he knew Okamoto, she was the nurse that tended to Chuuya, they had quite a decent relationship but Dazai had no clue that they carried on that friendship beyond the three weeks they had spent in the hospital. Dazai shrugged and decided that it was his best option, he got up and shut off his laptop
"Dazai, it's not your break yet." Kunikida called out, turning towards him whilst pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose.
"I know~ I'll just not take my lunch break later, or of course Atsushi-kun could be the best and do my work for m-
"Not happening Dazai-san."

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