✧ Chapter Thirteen ✧

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The first thing he noticed was that he was in fact, very much alive.

Chuuya awoke with the rays of setting sun peeking through the branches of the trees outside, he was in a hospital so white and clean it could have blinded you.

He heard shuffling to his left prompting him to turn his head to the side and was met with probably the cutest thing he had seen in his life: Atsushi and Akutagawa sat on the same chair with Atsushi sitting in between Akutagawa's legs, he had his arms laying on the bed, his head laying on top, Akutagawa had his arms wrapped around the younger's waist his head laying on Atsushi's back the both of them presumably asleep.

Chuuya couldn't help but reach out his hand to run them through Akutagawa's hair, his hair was soft and silky, Akutagawa himself had salubrious red cheeks, his skin wasn't cold and unpleasant but warm and gentle feeling. Chuuya wondered if that was because he felt more comfortable with Atsushi being around him. Gingerly caressing Akutagawa's hair, the younger male began to wake up.

Akutagawa stared at him and then smiled, feeling relieved that at least one of the two older's had woken from their slumber.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you." Chuuya whispered sympathetically but still not taking his arm away. Akutagawa shook his head
"It's okay, it was pleasant Chuuya-san" Akutagawa lifted his head off of Atsushi's back letting Chuuya's hand slip from his head, then took it in his own.
"How are you feeling?"
"Numb....and I can't remember anything from after Dazai disappeared. "
"The doctor mentioned that, he said random memories will start coming back to you as you get better." Akutagawa whispered in response, giving Chuuya a pitiful smile
"That's somewhat reassuring."

There was a brief moment of silence until Chuuya gave a weak smirk towards Akutagawa as he watched the man move some of Atsushi's hair out of his face
"So...when did this happen?" he whispered somewhat smugly, Akutagawa's face reddened in response, he wasn't sure what to say, it had happened after the fall and he wasn't sure if he was ready to have a conversation with Chuuya about what had happened without Atsushi, luckily he didn't have too.
"Shortly after you and Dazai-san fell from the roof" Atsushi mumbled as he sat up, whacking Akutagawa in the jaw.

"Ow, you moron!" Akutagawa chided as he rubbed his jaw, Atsushi jolted and turned around cupping Akutagawa's chin
"Ryuu, I'm sorry, are you okay?" Atsushi laughed, Akutagawa despite being in somewhat pain also began to laugh along with the younger
"Wait- who are you calling a moron?" Atsushi suddenly asked and them they continued to jokingly bicker until they heard Chuuya begin to laugh, they turned around and saw the ginger-haired male laughing sweetly with the back of his hand covering his smile, his blue eyes shut tightly, his was smile was weak but it was still strong enough to melt anyone's heart.

Atsushi and Akutagawa grinned at each other briefly then joined in with Chuuya's laughter.

Eventually the laughter eventually died down, allowing Chuuya to clear his head a little, that was how he remembered what Atsushi had said
"Shortly after you and Dazai-san fell from the roof" Chuuya felt a stabbing pain go straight through his head as various flashes of images and certain feelings prickled on his skin and coursed through his head.

He was falling.
Then he hit some water.
He felt hands bring him closer.
And soft lips on his own.
But he couldn't remember who it was.
Except that Atsushi had said it was Dazai.

"I fell... I fell... you said I fell with Dazai...but then why?"
"Why what Chuuya-san?" Atsushi asked
"If it was Dazai who fell with me then why do I feel a kiss....on my lips?"
"Probably because Dazai-San kissed you."
"But-but why would he?"
"Because he loves you obviously." Atsushi replied, Chuuya's face flushed but he still felt like nothing made sense to him, he remembered things but they were extremely hazy.

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