♡ Chapter Twelve ♡

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Akutagawa looked down at Atsushi, he could see his chest rising and falling which is what assured him he was alive, the best option now was to just sit back and wait for an ambulance to show up, moving the poor boy would just make his injuries worse. Akutagawa used his sleeves to wipe some of the blood off of Atsushi's face, noticing just how warm the boy was.

'The injuries must be giving him a fever' Akutagawa thought with an embarrassed huff, mentally telling himself he wasn't doing anything questionable, he undid some of the buttons on Atsushi's shirt -only half way though- moving it so more cold air could hit his body.

Akutagawa couldn't help but stare slightly, there where many gashed and cuts and injuries, the boy was most likely in a lot of pain. Akutagawa noticed that his body was toned but not buff, unlike him who had barley any meat on his bones. Frankly speaking Atsushi was probably physically stronger than him, though it didn't bother him like he thought it might of.

Atsushi began to stir in Akutagawa's arms, he felt uncomfortably cold but at the time he could feel his body burning. Then then felt warm lissom fingers brush softly against his cheek, encouraging him to pry open his dual-coloured eyes open.

So he did and he was met with a nearly dark, starry sky and of course Akutagawa's face, looking down at him with relief.
"Hey Jinko." Akutagawa breathed out the casualness making Atsushi smile
"Hi." He replied with a weak laugh.

"How do you feel? Do you need anything?" Akutagawa asked, Atsushi thought for a second then thinned his lips into a like bashfully,
"I'm cold." He paused for a moment,
"but I know I have a fever, so I don't know."  Akutagawa pulled him closer not minding if the younger boys blood stained his clothes.
"I'll keep you closer then, you'll have some of my body warmth." Atsushi felt grateful, albeit slightly embarrassed too. He wasn't used to Akutagawa being so upfront with affection, he always had to read in between the lines, or read his expression, it wasn't hard considering he knew Akutagawa so well, though it did beg the question, why was he so willing to show Atsushi so much affection now, he had been injured worse before, after all Akutagawa was the one who had sliced his leg completely off when they first met.

"Aku?" The other hummed keeping his eyes on the sea below
"How come...how come you're being so...nice- no not nice...maybe soft? Ahh I don't know what I'm saying." Atsushi mumbled sheepishly with a deep exhale, Akutagawa looked down at him unimpressed
"How stupid are you?" He muttered, Atsushi frowned at him
"How am I stupid?"
"I'm being 'soft' because I like you dumbass." He blurted out, his face reddening upon realisation, Atsushi blinked and stared at him stupidly, his face reddening as well
"As-as in like-like or just like?" He asked, trying to bring himself to look at Akutagawa's face, although that was hard considering he was refusing to make eye contact with him.
"Don't make me repeat that embarrassing statement ever again." Akutagawa snapped though not harshly, he paused for a moment then closed his eyes.

"It's like-like."

He finished pursing his pale lips into a thin line, Atsushi meekly raised his hands to cover his face trying his best to tell himself to keep calm, he moved one of his fingers so he could peek at the others face. He liked how red and flustered the ebony haired male looked, he looked in like he was going through a mental crisis but it was cute nonetheless.
"Well....I like-like you too." Atsushi responded quietly, he saw Akutagawa turn his head abruptly in his direction through his fingers.
"What?" the older asked stupidly,
"I like you too! Why are you making me repeat ?!" Akutagawa blinked owlishly at him
"You're an idiot Jinko."
"Heh? I'm an idiot? How? You were the one who didn't notice when I was trying to get closer to you!"
"I thought it was because you wanted to be closer cause of friendship!"
"Who hugs their friends from behind and kisses their cheek?!!" Atsushi argued back as he puffed up his cheeks

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