✧ Chapter Seventeen ✧

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Dazai awoke to Chuuya fast asleep next to him, his mouth was agape and he looked positively awful, but it didn't stop Dazai from sitting and staring at him, he poked his cheeks and ran his hands through his hair, trailing his fingers on the sides of Chuuya's body, just cause he felt like it.

After maybe around twenty minutes Chuuya finally stirred, he kept his eyes shut enjoying the feeling of Dazai's hands tracing patterns on his hands and body. He could have fallen asleep again if he hadn't felt a somewhat testing poke on his cheek causing him to instinctively frown
"Happy birthday, my ugly little Hat-wrack." Dazai whispered pressing a tender kiss to Chuuya's lips
"Thanks, my sweet lanky piece of shit." Chuuya muttered back, hugging Dazai warmly despite his harsh words.

"We should go wash up and eat, I'm starving" Chuuya spoke, though he didn't budge from Dazai's arms
"We're going to eat soup right?" The older questioned looking up at Dazai who could only chuckle
"If you can cook it." He murmured, Chuuya remained silent as he thought about it to himself
"How about we cook together?" Chuuya suggest excitedly his eyes twinkling
"Chuuya, I'll burn it."
"Dazai, you can't burn soup."

It wasn't that Dazai couldn't cook, he could cook a decent amount of food, without burning it, after all, he had to eat to survive, death by starvation wasn't a very appealing way to die. But he wasn't an amazing chef either.

Without much further complaint the two males got up and walked to the bathroom, brushing their teeth and occasionally elbowing each other in the ribs as if they were teenagers who didn't know any better. They didn't bother to change out of their pyjamas and decided that they'd just put their clothes in the washing once they finished cooking.


Soup was an odd thing to eat for breakfast, especially on your birthday but it had become somewhat of an inside joke for the two of them, the first time Chuuya was spending his birthday with Dazai the only thing they had to eat was packaged soup, then only a month a few weeks later on Dazai's birthday they were much in the same position as before with nothing but packaged soup to eat. Then it became an odd inside joke/tradition.

"Alright now pour the vegetables in"
"How much?"
"Just pour, I'll tell you to when you stop." Chuuya commanded standing glued to Dazai's side.

Once the soup was done they sat down at the isle and ate together.

"So are we going to do anything later?" Chuuya asked, expecting Dazai to say that they'd stay inside all day.
"Mhm! I'm gonna take oo out to dinna" Dazai spoke with his mouth full before flashing Chuuya a smile.
"Really?!" The older asked feeling shocked, Dazai swallowed all of his food and then stared at him unimpressed.
"What do you mean really? Of course, it's your birthday I'm not going to just have you stay home all day." Chuuya grinned broadly his heart swelling with happiness
"Am I allowed to know where we're going?"
"Nope, it's a surprise but just make yourself look nice."
"If I make myself look nice you need to tuck your hair behind your ear."
"Like when I was with Dostoevsky and Shibusawa?"
"Do you like my hair like that?"
"Mhm, you looked really good like that, punchable, but good."
"Well maybe, I'll wear my hair more often then." Dazai spoke, taking a strand of his hair and tugging on it gently.

The two of them then decided to decorate the apartment, Chuuya was going to have a small party for his twenty-fourth birthday, so he wanted to decorate the house a little.


Three hours later people started coming, Kyouka and Kyōyō, Atsushi, Akutagawa, Tachihara and Gin, Higuchi, Kenji, Yosano and even Hirotsu decided to stop by.

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