♡ Chapter Four ♡

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After an agonisingly long car ride, and reluctantly leaving Akutagawa on the side of the street somewhere. Atsushi and Tanizaki had finally made it to Dazai and Chuuya's hotel. They got out of the car hurriedly, closing the car as they jogged from the car towards the entrance of the hotel.

A woman with round golden coloured glasses and black hair that was styled in a messy bun sat there. The moment her golden eyes landed on the two boys her brain immediately recognised them, she scrambled from her chair fixing her uniform slightly, grabbing something hastily.

Tanizaki was about to ask what room they needed to be in but she seemed to already know. 
"Room two hundred and sixty-five, fifth floor!" The woman spoke,
Tanizaki eyed her curiously, shaking his head slightly as they ran before turning around waving at her, Atsushi following suit, giving her a wave of gratitude as well.
"thank you so much!" He shouted, she looked surprised, her eyes widening, lifting her hand slightly to wave shyly back at them.

"President has probably already told them about what's going on" Tanizaki called back from a little way in front of Atsushi.

They made it to dazai and Chuuya's room, however, before they entered Tanizaki activated his ability. Creating a small illusion that the two had gotten the wrong room number and turned in the opposite direction. Precautions were necessary.

The two Agency members entered their colleague's room, closing the door tightly behind them, turning the lock on it too, just for good measure.
Atsushi emerged from the corridor, into the dimly lit room, his dual coloured eyes falling to quite an admittedly pathetic, yet oddly heart-warming sight.

Chuuya sat with his back to the radiator, his knees pressed up to his chest wrapping Dazai's coat lay on his head, draping down his shoulders, the brunets his blue shirt wrapped around his torso tightly. Although he looked quite pitiful, both younger boys felt an immense feeling of sympathy for him.
"Atsushi? Why are you here?" Chuuya questioned, his voice hoarse at the beginning of the sentence then gradually smoothing out by the end.
Atsushi walked to him, crouching down beside him and hugging him tightly. The older's slender hands shyly gripped at the inside of Atsushi's biceps, sniffling slightly.
"We came to check on you and give you some support, maybe some help too." Atsushi finally replied, looking back at Tanizaki who simply nodded before turning around, beginning a leisurely pace around the hotel room, looking for any potential clues. Chuuya nodded feeling embarrassed by this, being comforted by someone younger than him and who's in the Agency took a bit of a stab at his pride
"Don't be embarrassed, I'd have been the same you know?" Atsushi smiled. Chuuya pouted,
"Shut up..." he mumbled shyly.

Meanwhile, Atsushi plopped himself in front of Chuuya taking his hands for comfort
"Has it gotten any better?"
"Yeah a little, I'm still shaking and my throat hurts really badly, like I'm choking on my own blood or spit, but it's tolerable." the ginger spoke subconsciously tightening hold on the younger's hands, his eyes travelling slowly towards where the door used to be.

The weretiger followed Chuuya's gaze, his own eyes now meeting with a plain white wall.
"Can't you speak to Dazai through the wall?" Atsushi questioned
"No, I can't hear anything and I don't think he can either..." The ginger mumbled, looking down at his feet, which he shuffled weirdly, puffing his cheeks in embarrassment.
"I really want to be with Dazai right now...god it's so fucking embarrassing" Chuuya mumbled whilst Atsushi grinned happily
"Don't worry I'd feel exactly the same if it was me and Ryuu." He paused then started again
"You must really like him" Atsushi added, Chuuya's face flushed
"Don't say it out loud it makes me want to dig a hole and never come back up again.

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