Chapter 5

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I stare up to the 7 foot building, its windows arched and balconies made from steel. We walk up the flight of stares, the yellow walls peeled and stained, the smell of cigarettes burning my nostrils. We walk inside the tiny apartment, surprisingly it doesn't look grim like the building. It looks like something from a vintage catalogue. The kitchen walls is tiled a pastel blue, with green cactus plants lining the arched window. The living room feels homey, with a glass coffee table and scented candles that smells like cinnamon. One of the walls is made from brick, a huge bookshelf pinned on it filled with endless books and novels. Not a surprise, Aunt Jenna is an editor for some publishing company.

"So, what do you think?" She says while plopping her bags down near the maroon sofa.

"Its amazing" I say while scanning the place again.

She laughs and looks at Timothy who's hiding behind me.

"Tim, this is your new home." Jenna says softly.

"I miss our old home." He whispers.

A frown crawls up her face. "I miss it too, well we all miss it." She says and he turns to look up at me.

"Everything is going to be fine Tim, your gonna love it here" I say encouragingly.

He nods and I try to manage a smile which feels strange

"Let me lead you to your new rooms" She says.

She leads us to a short hall way and we walk inside a guest room theres a single bed, a closet and a small beside table. The room is small but equally beautiful like the rest of the apartment. The sheets are crisp white with floral pillows, a pastel pink stereo player sitting on top of the table, and a picture of audrey hepburn hanged above the bed.

"This is your room, Bonnie" She says.

I nod "Its amazing, thanks Jenna" I say.

"Thanks for what?" she says grinning.

"Just thanks for everything" I say.

Thats the first time I thanked her for everything she's done for us. I don't know why I didn't thank her sooner.

"No problem" She says and we embrace in a hug.

"where's my room?" Timothy says.

We both laugh and Jenna leaves with Timothy. I place my suitcase on the bed, and I take out my phone. 8:45am It reads I have 2 missed messages. I open the first one from Niall.

Hey Bon, I miss you! Call me when you get there:)

I check the next one and Its some message if I want to purchase some toaster or something. I delete it and decide to call Niall. He answers after the second ring.

"Hey bon!" He says and hearing his voice makes me warm inside.

"Hey, I miss you" I say my voice dropping a little.

"I miss you too"

"How's London?"

"Its fine, and most importantly hows NY?"

"Oh my god, Niall its amazing. Its so big and colourful and- I'm," interrupted by his laughter. You just need to see it to understand." I say quickly.

"I bet, it sounds incredible bon."

"It is, but I still miss London."

"Wanna trade?"

"Hm, I'll see about that." I tease.

"And hows the job thing going?"

I mailed many application forms to New york, after I was told I was moving there. I knew I had to get a job to help with mortgage, but the one that I wanted to get in the most was for Lulu lust. The widest global fashion company in the world, but here I am. Maybe things are finnaly taking a turn for the good afterall.

"Not so good" I sigh

"Dont worry about it too much, you'll get one." He says

A yawn escapes me. "I'll talk to you later. I'm exhausted" I say running my fingers through my tangled hair.

"Yeah, go get some sleep! Night bon"


I say before falling asleep.

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