Chapter 10

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*Bonnies POV*

I wake up exactly one hour before my alarm. For some reason I couldn't get any sleep. I was to pre-occupied replaying yesterday's events over my head. I cringe at the thought, but for some reason I couldn't get him out of my mind. The way he was acting so strange and mean, to offering buying me a new coffee. His green eyes cloud my thoughts and a glimpse of him shake me frantically flicker. I shut my eyes hard and It vanishes. What? I'm already having hallucinations of this boy already. I fled to the bathroom and stare into the mirror. Dark circles outline my eyes and I sigh. Looks like the amount of sleep I had seem to show on my face. I take a shower, the hot water easing my tense muscles. I try to distract my mind with thoughts of my first day as a intern for Lulu Lust. I've been preparing for this for the last two days I've been in New york. I know the company from top to bottom. I can do this I tell my self.

After I'm done, I blow dry my hair and walk towards the kitchen. The apartment is quiet, the sounds of my footsteps creaking on the wooden floors disturbing the silence. I open the cabinet. Its barely full, only packets of oatmeal and pancake mix fill the big empty space. I add shopping for food on my list. Money has been quite tight, and the money from mums savings wont last us long. I don't just want this job. I need it. I'm mixing the batter when I hear Aunt Jenna behind me. I watch her as she brews coffee from the pot rubbing her eyes.

"Morning" I say. Swirling the butter on the hot pan.

"Mornin" She croaks not quite awake.

"Your making pancakes?" She says watching me pour the batter on the pan.

"Yeah you want some?" I ask my attention diverted from not burning these pancakes.

"Yes please" She says pouring herself some coffee.


"Yeah, yesterday was horrible" I sigh

"It will be alright. Anyway, the first day is always the worst. You should of seen me when It was my first day. I managed to crash my computer" She laughs and I join.

I down my pancakes, listening to Aunt Jenna ramble on about her old jobs. After I'm done I brush my teeth and walk inside my room. My body jumps a little when I hear my phone beep. I check the message, its from Adam. A smile crawls up my face when I read it

Hey just wanna say Good luck:)

His message makes me feel warm inside. I'm just so glad that I've managed to make a friend. I've never been good at socialising and I could be quite awkward at times. I only had one friend from home, and that was Niall. Niall. I forgot to call him, hopefully he didn't mind.

I reply back

Hi and thanks I'll need it.

I switch off my phone and grab my leaver skater skirt out of the hanger. I put it on and scan my bare legs for any sign of stubble. Theres none, and I try to ignore my insecure thoughts.
I slip on my black blouse with gold details on the collar. I sit on the dressing table, pumping drops of foundation onto my brush. I buff it into my skin lightly, and apply concealer under my eyes.

After my dark circles is hidden, I focus on my eyes. I brush a champagne colour onto my lids, and a bronze tope colour onto my crease. I attempt to draw a black line on top of my eyes and fail. I grunt in frustration wiping it off and trying again. Glad that I have extra time. After the second trial and a few curse words I finally draw a thin line which flicks on the edge. I apply coats of mascara, and a nude pink lipstick. Satisfied, I brush my dark hair into a sleek low ponytail, suffocating on the cloud of hairspray I over used.

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