chapter 6

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*Bonnies POV*

I sat quietly. As the New York city unravelled before my eyes. The streets were full of people, walking past in their own bubble, sparing less than a glimpse at those who mangaed to pop it, by barging into them. Everyone seemed to have such purpose, walking as if the people around them were mearly not there. It was much different than London, not in the sense that the people didnt have much emotion towards each other, I think you'll find that were ever you go. But more of a difference in the sense that it was just, bigger. Everything is massive here, the buildings were like towers, making me feel smaller than i was. Everyone seemed so proffesional, and looked important, like they all played a major role, and then there was me. The short, brown headed kid, sitting coffee shop window, all by my self, watching everyone move on with their life, whilst i sat alone , sipping coffee and drawing fashion designs which will never get recognised.

I sighed before taking another sip of my coffee, closing my eyes, savouring the trail of warmth it left in my thoat.

"what you got there," A deep voice called from behind me, causing my eyes to snap open. I spun around to look where the voice was coming from, a little to quickly, knocking over my coffee in the process. My hands snatched the nearest napkins, and rapidly began to clear up the hot coffee. My heart beat increased as i found a pair of hands pushing mine away and replacing them, cleaning up the coffee. I looked up to see, a boy with jet black hair, and perfect bronze, tanned skin. His eyes were hazel and he had beautifully arched clear, pastel pink lips. I started at him whilst he cleaned it up, watching him down like a hawk, as he left the table, with the napkins, departuring to the nearest bin, then quickly returned.

"you didnt have to do that," I spoke looking down to stop myself from staring at him.

"Yeah I did, if I didnt scare you, you wouldnt have knocked it over," He spoke, but then noticing the guilt which just met my face ,he quickly added.

"and its sorta my job," with a small chuckle.

I smiled at him in return. Ignoring all the signs in my body, telling me to leave. I've never been that good when it came to boys. I quickly looked away ,back down to my table, hoping he would leave before I said something stupid but instead he slid into the booth, sitting himself oppisite me.

"So, like I was saying before, what you got there," He said smiling at the papers which were slightly covered with coffee.

"Just some drawings," I answered, but it came out more like a whisper.

"Mind if I have a look," he asked, extending his arm out to reach for my designs. I nodded, before handing it to him. My heartbeat increase as I sat in silence overserving his reactions, as he flipped through my work. I dont know why I was so nervous. All he was doing was looking at more drawings.

"Wow , these are really good," He spoke, a genuine tone of impress laced in his voice. I smiled a 'thank you' whilst recollecting my papers and putting them in a neat pile at the corner of the wooden booth table. I could feel his eyes watching me as I did this and i felt myself under pressure.

"So your into that designing thing huh," he said, making direct eye contact with me, making me feel the pressure grow along with great umcomfort, I nodded a yes, seeing how ive some how managed to lose my voice.

"I have a friend, well a cousin actually, his name is Austin, he's really into that fashion thing too, he's manager at this company called 'LuLu Lust' I dont know if you heard of it," He spoke. My jaw dropped as the words left his mouth,

"LULU LUST!!, OF - COURSE IVE HEARD OF IT , ITS ONLY ONE OF THE BIGGEST FASHION COMPANIES IN THE WHOLE WORLD," I cried maybe a little to loudly, earning looks from people at the other tables.

He chuckled before continuing

"yeah, well I honeslty think your work is beyond amazing, I could speak to my cousin and see if I could get you an interview or something," He smiled, At this point I was about to expload. A interview at LuLu Lust is honestly worth everything, I would give anything for an interview and now its simply being handed to me by a coffee shop boy. I cant even.

"Oh my god, Yes please that would be amazing!" I cry ignoring glares that were being thrown at me from other customers.

"Thank you so much Adam!" I continued to yell, reading his name of his name tag.

"Its alright love, " he laughed sweetly at my reaction.

"Seeing how you know my name, I think it would only be fair that I could maybe learn yours," He smikred at me causing me to blush.

"Its Bonnie," I spoke, extending my hand out to shake, but instead I found myself pulling him over the booth table into a tight hug.

I know what your thinking. He's a strange blah blah. This stranger just handed me the greatest oppitunity of my life. At the end of the day arent we all strangers really, you never really know a person, people change all the time, You would be surpised how many times ive had a friend who i thought i could trust and next thing you know their doing the things I never expected of them. Like I said before, were all really strangers in this hard world.

After I finally let go of Adam, we quickly exchanged numbers, before he had to return to his shift. I quickly gathered my things, excited to tell aunt Jenna about this great opportunity. I was about to extit the shop before I heard someone called my name. I turned around to see Adam.

" I mean what I said, your work is truly amazing," he said.

I blushed before smiling at him and waving goodbye, before I began my run back home.


A/N : Hey lovies x

Chapter 6 and over 300 reads already thats so amazing i cant even explain.

Harry is going to be introduced very soon like next few chapters soon sorry for the dilly dally but wanted to get all the fundemantle stuff out the wary before we introduce him. Love you guys so much




- Sanni (StylesAndIrwinx)

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