Chapter 13

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*Bonnies POV*

Adam and I emerge in my apartment, without saying a word to each other the whole journey. Its a comfortable silence, something you can share without worrying about being awkward or not. I'm relieved when I slip of my heels and throw them as far away as possible. I hear laughing and I look at Adam with a amused expression in his face. "What?" I say blushing.

"No, its nothing." He chuckles.

I roll my eyes and we walk towards the maroon couch.

"You don't know how it feels to wear heels for more than 5 hours" I sigh, plopping myself upright on the couch.

Adam takes a seat next to me and stares at his hands for a while. I don't do anything but watch. Finally after what seems like ages, he lifts his head to face me. I gasp when his lips collides into mine. He kisses me gently and my emotions go fuzzy. But somehow my lips manage to move synchronise with his and his warm lips, eagerly kisses me harder. I pull away and our breaths are fast, his lips are a deeper pink and he blushes.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't of done that." He mumbles his eyes avoiding mine.

I'm still trying to get my thoughts wrapped around what just happened.

"Its okay" I say which comes out more as a whisper.

He looks at me his eyes soft before saying "Lets just forget that happened"

I nod my head, my lips tingling from his touch.

"Would you like anything to drink?" I ask needing time to just think.

"Er..." He says contemplating whether or not he wants to stay.

"Yeah maybe like a can of coke or somethin?"

I nod, before leaving the couch. I walk towards the fridge my mind frantically going wild. We kissed. I admit to myself. Me and Adam kissed. A small smile appears on my lips and I blush at the memory. The only person that I've kissed was Niall, and that ended not a while ago. I grab the coke from the fridge. The coolness of the coke easing the heat from my body. I walk back, to see Adam nervously play with the string of his black hoodie. "Here" I say handing it to him.

"Thanks" He smiles before taking a sip.

"So... Whats happening now?" I ask my voice shaking a little.

The butterflies in my stomach fluttering. He shakes his head and frowns.

"I don't know. I'm kicked out of my apartment." He mutters in frustration.

I gasp, "What?!"

He sighs and takes a sip from the coke.

"After I was fired, my landlord called me and kicked me out" He sighs placing the coke in the table and covering his face with his hands.

"Why?" I gasp.

"I owed him a lot and i was relying on this pay which I didn't get" He mutters wiping his face.

"Oh." Is all that escapes my mouth.

For some reason, I cant stop thinking this is all my fault. Maybe because it is. My conscious argues.

"I'm so sorry Adam. I really am." I say my voice quivering.

Adams thumbs wipes underneath my eye, I didn't realise I was crying.

"No no, this is not your fault" He says sternly.

"Yeah if it wasn't cos of me and my stupid enemies you-"

"No. Its not,"he cuts me off.

"This is about that guy who complained about me" Adam says reassuringly.

"But he was lying" I wail and my stomach aches for what Adam must be dealing with right now.

"I know. I guess I cant do anything." He sighs in defeat.

"Where are you going to stay?"

He furrows his eyebrows before sighing again

"I dunno"

"what about your parents?" I suggest

"They live in Florida. Quite a distance" He replies plainly

"Oh. Friends?"

"Like you?" He smiles

I don't know how to respond to that. Adam looks like the guy who would have a lot of friends. He's so nice and honest and kind...

"Do you wanna stay here?" I ask the words rushing out of my mouth before I can think.

He laughs "What?"

I blush before I carry on "Like stay here. You have no where to go, and I feel terribly guilty for all of this." I say apologetically.

"Thanks so much for the kind offer, thats really generous of you. But I don't know how that will work" He says

"It can. Look, you can stay here until you find a place of you own and a job. And I can help. You can like crash in my room or something. My aunt rarely comes in there and she doesn't come home until eleven"

He contemplates this for a second, before shaking his head

"Your saying that you want me to hide in your room for the rest of the time?"

I nod, at the crazy idea. Determined to owe him for all he's done for me.

"Not the rest of the time, plus you wont have to be in here all day. You can just come, to sleep." I say before adding "I'm not letting you leave here without a place to stay"

He smiles "I guess it will be hopeless arguing."

I nod and he shrugs "Fine. Only for a few days"

"Deal" I say.

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