Chapter 9

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*Bonnies POV*

I step inside the small dimly lit cafe. The sounds of soft murmurs and whistling of coffee brewing surround me. I spot Adam's black hair from behind the counter, his back turned making a latte or something. I walk towards the counter and wait patiently. He spins around and almost drops the cup he's holding; when he sees me. His eyes light up and I can't help but blush for his adorable reaction.

"Hey, new employe for Lulu" He grins.

Thats when this terrible day rewinds in my head and I try to shove it away.

"Hi and I don't think that would happen" I sigh.

His beautiful smile vanishes and he walks towards me.

"Oh no, what happened?" He says worried.

"I-" I start to begin when a voice yells from next to me.

"Wheres my cappuccino?" The woman says annoyed.

Adam quickly raises a finger at me to wait and hands the woman her cappuccino. She grunts and stomps of with her 6 inch heels. He approaches me and rolls his eyes

"Sorry about that. So what happened?" He says

I quickly turn around hoping that no one is waiting. When theres no one behind me I turn back and begin

"Well, where can I start? I woke up late. Look like a mess"

"-You do not look like a mess" He says sweetly.

I almost want to burst out laughing. Either he's just saying that or he's really nice.

"Well thank you, and you should of seen me when I walked in there" The memory of my appearance floods my head and the embarrassment with it.

"Anyway, everyone hated me because of it and I was late to the interview, even though the woman says she would be there in 10 minutes." I huff and he chuckles.

"What?" I say eyeing him sceptically.

"You look cute when your mad" He says and my cheeks flush.

When he notices the small awkward silence his cheeks turn into a light crimson red- is he blushing?

"I'm sorry about the interview thing. I'm sure that it will all work out. Like why wouldn't they hire you?" He adds lightly.

I smile "Thanks" I say.

The smell of coffee makes my mouth water. I haven't eaten anything yet. He watches me drool over the chocolate cake sitting on the counter.

"Do you want to order anything?" He chuckles.

"Yes please" I say.

He smiles and walks behind the counter.

"What will you like?" He says.

"One of your finest coffee please. And uh a slice of cake" I order.

"Coming up" He says and rushes over to make it.

A smile creeps over my face when I examine him slowly pouring the milk into the jug. I hear the doors of the shop creak open. I turn and to my horror I spot a bush of fluffy curls walking in. The mean girl from the interview earlier on,the same two boys following from behind. Oh my god. She spots me and flashes an evil smile. Anger floods through me and I clench my fists. "Oh look who it is. Its the late comer" She says eyeing her prey.

"Do you have anything better to do than to be mocking me?" I growl

Surprised of my reaction she laughs "So she speaks."

Were interrupted when Adam hands me my coffee and cake in a box container.

"Bonnie, are you okay?" He asks looking at her then back to me a concern look in his face.

"Yes" I reply.

I realise that my knuckles are white and I unclench them. I grab my coffee and my box before asking "how much?"

"Its on the house. My treat" He smiles.

Before I can argue to pay, I hear a high pitched voice yell from behind me

"Dude, can I get some free stuff too?"

I turn to look at the boy who's friends with the girl. He is smaller than both of them, and has tiny china plaits on his head.

"Sorry man, no" Adam says.

The boy grunts and the rude girl rolls her eyes.

"Thanks Adam, bye" I mumble and turn around.

"Cya later!" He calls from behind and I ignore the evil glares from the group and walk out.

I stumble out the door and I thud against something hard which rattles my body; spilling the hot liquid over my chest, a light burn seeping through the thin fabric. Oh god. Not this again. I gasp and look up to be met with similar dark green eyes. His face freezes when he see's the hot drink spilt over my blouse. My expensive blouse I sigh.

"Oh my god. I'm so sorry" He says his voice laced with panic.

"Its okay" I say sharply. Remembering him being rude to me earlier before.

His face frowns and I immediately feel bad.

"I- I could pay for a new coffee or blouse maybe?" He stutters and I shake my head.

"No thanks. I'm going to go now" I say before fleeing.

He doesn't say anything but stands there frozen. Unbelievable. I sigh and walk off. I cant help myself and turn around. He stands on the sidewalk watching me leave, his hands tugging the back of his head his look in frustration. His eyes meets mine and I quickly turn my head away. Biting hard on my lip.


Once I reach my room I flop down on my bed, the mattress sinking. I stare into the ceiling, recalling the events. I groan to myself when I remember Mrs Lust roasting me in front of everyone making me feel vulnerable as ever. This industry is going to eat me alive. I sigh, contemplating if I should just save myself the time and misery and resign now. But I know I wouldn't do that. I've been through too much to quit now. I feel the thin fabric stick into my skin and decide to take a bath. I walk into the bathroom switching on the lights which seems to bright.

Memories of the hospital from that night floods my mind. My legs running through the bright hallways; my body collapsing on the cold floor. Shivers run down my spine and I shake it off. My eyes well up with tears and I blink it away. I twist the cold steel tap; warm water spraying into the bathtub. I run my hand over the water waiting for it to heat up and hear my phone vibrate on top of the sink. I wipe my hand over my skirt and pick it up.

Hi!! How did the interview go?

The message reads from Niall. I sigh while I type my reply

Hey and not good. I'll tell you everything after I'm finish taking a bath

He messages me straight away

Oh no, okay:) Chat later

I switch my phone off and walk towards the wood basket sitting on the shelf. Vanilla, citrusy aromas fills my nose as I look at the basket filled with the brightly decorated bath bombs. I always loved bath bombs. I pick one which smells like roses, which looks exciting in particular because of the limp rose petals peeking out of it. I drop it and watch it dissolve into the water; light pink swirling around the water, rose petals scattered. I smile at my beautiful bath and jump in. I closed my eyes, allowing my body to melt in the hot water. My posture softened as my body relaxed under the waters calm hold. My mind on the other hand stood on peak, praying for a better outcome tomorrow.

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