Chapter 8

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*Bonnies POV*

My eyes followed the curly haired boy as he rapidly exited the room, leaving my once again alone. Who was that guy? He certainly didn't look like he belonged here. He had tattoos decorating his arms, and wore a black V-neck t-shirt with black jeans and black trainer's shoes. A little too casual for this high fashion working environment, but then again who was I to judge, when I didn't even iron my shirt this morning and had to apply all of my makeup in a ladies toilet.

I quickly ensured my blouse was tucked tight into my pencil skirt, to try and stretch out any noticeable creases. After 30 more seconds of self-inspections, and deciding that this is the most presentable I was going to look, I mademy way back to the main room to re-join the others.

As I entered the room all eyes fell on me. I looked forward only for my eyes to meet the judge full glare of Mrs Lust herself. She was the last person I expected to see right now, I didn't expect to have to meet her for another 3 minutes . Didn't the reception women say she would be running 10 minutes late?

Embarrassment swallowed my face, as I stood awkwardly in the entrance of the room.

"Nice of you to join us, Ms Butera is it?," spoke Mrs Lust, squinting her eyes to read my name printed on the tag they handed me in the morning.

"Take a seat," she instructed, annoyance laced fully in her voice.

I heard a deep chuckle from the back, causing me to grow even more embarrassed than before, if that was even possible.

My eyes quickly scanned the room for a seat. There were 3 couches in the room. 2 people sat on the one closets to the door, then another 2 in the seat closets to the centre desk. There was an empty seat to fit a third person, however I decided against it because it was beside the same girl who insulted me earlier. This meant there was one couch left, it was far back, almost hidden, I slowly approached the couch and noticed the same boy who ran from me earlier was sitting, head down, in the chair. He rose his head as I grew closer to him, his face, a light shade of pink. It must have been him laughing. How un-professional of him. Says the girl who arrived late to the meeting, my thoughts argued.

I took a seat next to the mysterious boy, sitting as far away from him as I could. I already was late, there was no way in hell I was going to allow myself to get distracted by anyone at this point.

"As I was saying, before I was interrupted," Mrs Lust spoke, hinting in my direction causing me to lower my head, in shame.

"You have all been called here because we believe you have potential to work great wonders in this company," She begun.

"Rewards include, not just being part of one of the greatest fashion companies in the world, but also the opportunity to work with someone the greatest fashion designers in the world, attend the most exclusive fashion shows, become part of the Lust by Lust collection and of course the you automatically gain a bronze card membership to the Lust luxuries," Mrs Lust spoke cockily, leaving us drooling off her every word.

Everything I've ever dreamed of had been summed up into a sentence.

"Unfortunately, this reward is only for one," she spoke, a mischievous look on her face.

Tension exploded in the air, everyone glanced around at each other as the words left her lips. Eyes full of lust and spite. Staring each other down. At this point I felt like I was in the hunger games, with the thin line of 'friends or foes' circling around me. But I guess it wouldn't be that hard for me to cross this circle seeing how no-one here seemed to like me anyway.

"To determine who is worthy of these pleasures, over a period of a few months we will monitor you capability in our company, and you will also face some challenges. Nothing to tricky, just a few challenges like sorting materials," she continued, something almost humorous tangled behind her voice.

"So now that, that's sorted, I will see you all tomorrow at 9.00am, hoping to see everyone on time," she spoke in a sour tone and in an instant all eyes were on me.

"You may go." Mrs Lust ended, dismissing us to go and prepare for tomorrows events.

I rose my body of the soft couch and walked through the doors, only to be shoved past by the punk looking boy. What is that guys deal, if he's not running from me, he is laughing at me and if he isn't doing that he's shoving me! Hopefully I won't have to interact with him during my time here.

I exited the main doors, and made my way home, to prepare. There was no way I was going to let a opportunity like this fly by without putting up a fight.

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