Chapter 5

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Will's PoV

Honestly, I don't even know how Piper figured out about my crush on Nico. I needed to discuss it with someone so badly that two days ago I went to her cabin and I just said I was going to need her help with something. And instantly her reply was, "What? That you are completely head over heels for Nico?"

I mean...Wow ! daughters of Aphrodite!

I still can't believe the son of hades danced with me....willingly. I already miss the feeling of his cold hands over my shoulders and staring at the depths of his brown eyes......

                            "So...I kind of ruined the moment." her sudden statement jolted me back to reality.
"I mean if I didn't come to the infirmary, you wouldn't have needed my help anymore."

                             "Do you think he likes me?" I desperately asked.

                             "Are you kidding me? the way his eyes light up when he talks to you? And Nico DiAngelo dancing? I can't even believe what I just saw"

                             "You know there was a rumour of him crushing on Annabeth? If it's true he might be straight right."

Piper seemed to consider this."Yeah I heard about that".

                            "Wait." I said, "The way you sensed my feelings for Nico, can't you do the same for him? can you tell who he likes?"

                            "I mean..." Piper hesitated, "I'll be honest. I really never understood that guy. There's like a death aura around him so strong it blocks the power of Aphrodite. I can only guess who he likes. And I'm telling that, it's you."

I bit my lips. why would there be a death aura around him? I cured him fully during the three days in the infirmary. He's still weak to shadow travel but ...why a death aura? I wonder how he's doing now since he shadow travelled again.

I didn't notice when Annabeth entered the infirmary.
                              "Hey Will, my stupid ankle is sprained again."

She turned to see Piper and possibly trying to guess what were we talking about. As much as I trusted Piper, Annabeth was her best friend. I nodded when she looked at me, "You can tell."

 "Wait, lemme guess, since Piper is here ...were you asking her advice for something? Is it a girl?

"How about...a boy?" I asked.

"oh never mind.....but who is the lucky guy?"

I groaned. "Doesn't your ankle need healing?"

"Later. tell me everything, now."
I sighed. "It's Nico."

"That's wonderful. I shipped solangelo since the moment Nico was in the infirmary. Remember I told you, Piper?"
"gods..yes "

"Wait what's a solangelo? Do you mean.....oh" solace plus diangelo! a perfect ship
"Yuppp" they grinned.

"I don't know yet about this solangelo thingy. I'm not even sure if he likes he literally had a crush on you...."
"Wait what?" she was total confused now, "He didn't have a crush on me, dummy. He used to like Percy!"
My heart just stopped at that sentence. say what now?

"Wait you didn't tell me that." Piper exclaimed, "How do you know?"
thump thump thump
"He confessed it right in front of me. But don't worry Will, he's over my boyfriend. I only told this to prove that he's either gay or you do have a chance!"

                     "But- but if he used to like Percy..." how could he ever like me? i'm just
                     "ok, what am I gonna do now?

"Ask him out!."

"I can't...I can't just ask him out on a date out of nowhere. I'm scared guys."

Piper seemed to ponder about something. "So the three-legged death race is tomorrow right?"
"Yeah," Annabeth said, "In which we're all participating forcefully."

"I have a plan." Piper almost screamed.

"Which is?" I asked.

She took Annabeth aside and whispered something in her ears which made her grin like crazy, "Hey no fair guys I wanna know."

"Don't worry, 'cause we have a plan." They high-fived.

"So what do I do now?"

"Nothing Solace, just be ready for the race."

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So my gym teacher's name is Coleen Hickey and every time I call her Ms.Hickey she frowns at me weirdly but like bitch that's your name!! tf am I supposed to call you??

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