Chapter 8

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       Nico's PoV  

Will seemed out of breath. Nico just stared at him. He couldn't even imagine someone all sunshiny like Will can go to the underworld just to bring back someone he loved. On that note, he had also changed after Bianca's death. Percy travelled to the underworld too- to bring back his mom. The only difference, Percy got her back while Will didn't.
                           "Does Chiron know?"
                           "He and Kyla are the only one who knows. Well except you now." he smiled and that was the most beautiful thing Nico's ever seen, "there are secrets within every camper, not all of those are published in books you know"

                           "I know how bad trauma can be Nico. I'm not just the only one who faces those and the best way to get out of it is to share it with someone."
                           "But what if you don't have anyone to share it with?" Nico asked reluctantly.
                           "You talking about yourself?" he nodded
                          "Then what do have a doctor for? You can share anything with me, even if it's your worst experience, even if you think it was your fault cause I'll never blame you, never ever."  

He sounded so genuine. Like he actually cared for him, and suddenly Nico prayed if they could walk like this forever, holding each other and just .... talking. 
                         "I wanted to tell you something." 

                         "I never told it to anyone except Jason and Percy and Annabeth." He mustered his courage. "I'm gay and I used to like Percy" He announced then hold his breath to hear yelling, and the 'f' word everyone used to address him as in middle school. if will calls me that, I swear I'm gonna shadow travel from new york. forever.

                  Instead, he heard a small muffle."Is that you were afraid of telling me?"
                  "Ye-you aren't surprised?"
                  "No. Most of the campers are gay or pan. I myself am bi. It's perfectly normal."
                  "Oh, gods." He sighed, "I always used to think that you're gonna be grossed out or stop talking to me." 
                  "I will never do that. Wait, so you were afraid of losing my company?" shit  

                 "I mean-" before he can finish his sentence, he smelled something, something familiar."What's that?"
                 "sshhhh." Will pulled him behind a rock and pointed to the other side. His voice hitched, and this time in fear. He was so into talking to will that didn't notice how long they've been walking. It shouldn't have taken this long. Sure, there was a monster but facing backwards to them.

            It was talking to herself "Yes, this must be the great cave for my master"

Will and Nico looked at each other, "I know her." Nico whispered.
              "How?" will mouthed.
              "She-she caught me from the Tartarus and took me to the giants, Otis and Ephialtes."
Will stared for a second and said, "Tartarus? you've been in Tartarus?"

               "I was about to mention."
               "Let's just back up, slowly," Nico said. Will stared at her, his eyes reflected pure hatred. He stood up. Before Nico could say anything, Will leaped causing him to get up too. He slid his arms around him and run towards her as if they were one body."WILL!"
               She turned and before processing what's happening,  Will stopped midway, whistled a sharp tune, the same one he did to stop the Romans and the greeks from killing each other. He stood up, threw his hands to the sides and muttered something in ancient Greek. black smokes started to fill up the cavern, but all of it went directly to the monster like a big arrow.
              She raised a scream and both of them flew and hit the stone walls. "You annoying demigods again! you will-" and screamed. Nico landed hard on his arm. On his side Will was hurt too. " take that you bitch!." he screamed as well.
             And the next thing Nico saw was that the monster vaporizing into dust. He coughed, still dizzy, "What-what the fuck just happened?"
             "Oh nothing, I just did the ultrasonographic whistle and a curse which caused her lower respiratory infections."

            "huh?" he was still processing the scene. Will laughed a bit. "Are you okay?"

            "Am I okay? you could've died!"
            "No, because I'm not dealing with a post-traumatic Tartarus experience. Now about that, mister ghost king, when were you-" he was cut short by a roar, "fuck." they hid behind the pillar again, "you remember Chiron said no monsters were here? "
             Nico nodded, "she was talking about a master."

Yellow smoke filled the cavern, but this time, it was not from Will, they heard a hissing noise and the cavern shook. Nico knew they were in trouble, he could feel a greater power was consuming them. He raised his hands and an army of skeletons plunged from the ground, "Protect us." they circled around them but the effort made him almost passed out. He started to see black through his eyes.

         "What're you doing?" Will coughed, "What is that?"
Nico didn't answer. Instead, he summoned his sword and cut the ropes of their ankles free"Go! I'll hold it." was he glowing? or is it only because of the dark?
             "What? I'm not leaving you."
             He simply handed him the laurel, "Just go away Solace. Whatever it is, it's here cause it can sense my presence. If you stay here, it'll kill you too."
             "No no- there got to be another way!"
             "You don't wanna experience The things- the horrible things of Tartarus!"
             Will hold his arms stubbornly, "Then I'm not letting you in there twice. I AM NOT LEAVING YOU."

            "Gods dam it Solace!." nope, he was definitely glowing now, so bright that Nico had to squeeze his eyes shut.

The hissing noise was louder now. A rock fell right in front of them and the skeletons collapsed. He couldn't raise anything, his feeling was numb. All he could do was to hold onto Will as if that's his only hope of life. I'm dying....he's dying and it's my fault. "Dad" he prayed, please hades if there's anything I good I did in my whole life--just protect Will. 

The cavern collapsed and he closed his eyes.

Vote and Comment! Who's your godly parent?? Mine's Bellona so you better watch out people. Otherwise, I'll let my sis Reyna deal with y'all(jk love you)

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