Chapter 16

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Will's PoV

"Oh thank gods you guys are alive!!" 

Of course, someone had to break our moment! It was just getting perfect! Neeks and me, kissing in the middle of the woods, under the starry sky like a 19's romantic film and someone had to interfere. 
When Nico jumped and pulled away from my arms on the sudden voice I couldn't help but be disappointed a little. Then I noticed his frowned eyes and discovered, it was Percy Jackson. 

"Dude! the whole camp is looking for you guys and you're making out in the woods? oh, wait your clothes are battered....monsters?" He asked in a single breath
"Worse" Nico replied, "Mr. D" 

Somehow, the crazy wine god bothered him more than the fact that we were kissing in the woods or disappeared for 2 days. Then I remembered why.
"When we were in Italy Chiron told me in the Irish message that Dionysus is gone. Nico, you sure you saw him?"
"Yes! He's the one who asked me to follow him here, otherwise why else would I even come here?" Nico shivered, "One of my worst experiences cause guess what? He giggled then turned into Bi-" he stopped himself not wanting to bring her topic now, especially in front of Percy.
"giggled? and turned into what?"

"monster" I quickly cut in, "then it turned into my mom and tried to make me lost into the woods right when Nico controlled the sha-" whoa. I stopped realizing Nico was actually bumping me on the shoulder. Right, I'm not allowed to talk about my boyfriend's secret powers.

Big whoa. boyfriend?

Where did that come from? again, a nagging voice from the back of my head said, why not? we kissed! twice!  

We all flinched from a distance howl and Percy facepalmed. "What am I even doing? the forest's not safe anymore. Come with me, quick. And Solace for gods' sake stop blushing"
He led the way and I found, we had gone pretty darn far away from the camp. No wonder they were tensed about us. We finally reached the big house which was a total mess. Every camper gathered there and talking all at once. 

Sherman thrust a knife on the wooden table (a gesture she inherited from her sister), "Be quiet people. We're going through a crisis and you all know pretty damn well it's serious now. Let all of our campers arrive and we'll let Chiron speak"

"Nothing can save us now. Three of them disappeared Sherman. Vanished, gone with the air!poof!" Drew blew a strand of hair that stuck on her pretty face.

From across the table, Annabeth frowned, "We know what disappearing means, thanks to Tanaka. And we are doing what we can. In this moment of distress, I suggest-" she stopped herself upon noticing us, and practically ran for Percy, "You okay?"

He nodded and I could feel the stare of every half-blood passing through my body. I extended my hand and touched Nico's palm gently, which he immediately groped and intertwined our fingers. "So yeah, we're back. What are you saying about disappearing now?"

Before anyone could answer, Chiron galloped into the room. His intent eyes and forehead lines seemed to say that he aged another hundred years in these 2 days. 

He said, "Thank the gods. You have no idea how worried we were when you two disappeared for the second time" and then looking at me, "I thought I warned you about the woods"

I nodded, "I remember but when I didn't see Nico beside me I panicked and-"
"Wait a second" Nico interrupted, "what's wrong with the woods?"

I looked at him then back at Chiron, silently asking how much information I can reveal in front of the whole camp. He nodded reassuringly and I said, "Nico, half-bloods have been disappearing into the woods. And no one knows why"

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