Chapter 4

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Will's PoV

Gods I hope Nico's alright. He was being a weirdo this morning and suddenly fainted without any good reason. What's wrong with him exactly?
He was looking kind of cute though. But something happened the previous night, I could sense it. The way his pretty eyes had dark circles...I bet he had some bad dreams.

I gotta admit, After the battle of Manhattan, I had a huge crush on him. But we were both pretty young and I, myself was facing problems with my sexuality. I tried to get over him and when I couldn't confine it within myself anymore I decided to tell him. The night I mustered my courage, he disappeared to gods knew where. Thought after all these days I finally got over my feelings. 
But I knew my feelings still exists the moment I saw Nico again on the spying mission on the Romans.
And here I am again, thinking about the son of hades while listening to the old radio Chiron had and cleaning up my patient's bruises.

"Will" I turned and my breath almost hitched again the way it always does of seeing Nico.

"I just came to check  on you."
"Check on me?" huh that's sweet

"I mean how are you doing with your patient? How is Harley?"
I glanced at the unconscious Harley. "Better than before. 4 of his ribs were broken but he was joking and grinning through the whole surgery."

"Sounds like him." He smiled fiddling with his ring.

I started to bind the bandages on his cuts and bruises. Nico was so quiet that After working for 10 minutes I almost forgot if he was even there "Can I help?" 

"Huh?" I was a little bit startled by his sudden speaking.

"I mean I can help ...and you've been here for like 10 hours if you haven't noticed."
"What?" I glanced outside and it was already getting dark. "Shoot. When did it get dark?"

He laughed and it sounded amazing. 

"You should do that more often you know....laughing."
I silently prayed that he doesn't raise a bunch of dead guys and order them to strangle me. But he just sighed.
"Smiling just doesn't seem to be my thing."

"It doesn't need to be. You just do it, like this." I smiled and it was pretty much the most doofus smile ever.

"huh, I'll try."
"And umm... you can talk to me about the dreams." He flinched as if suddenly I hit a soft spot.
"What made you think that?"
"I don't know I just got a feeling." 
He got extremely quiet again. " to explain?"

"It's complicated Solace. Stuff from long ago's probably just a dream. Nothing special."
"You know that's not true. Demigod dreams always mean something."
"Maybe but-" He took a deep breath "You don't need to be worried about me"

"I -" come on will say something

He slowly walked towards me and it took all my willpower not to run back in nervousness. 

He was really close now, took up his hand and pulled a piece of bandage from my hair. Must've got there while I was working.
"Umm thanks...."

I stared at his deep brown eyes, but this time they started to change colour like Piper's and I couldn't avert my eyes from those.

I slipped my arm around his waist while holding his hand with the other. 

"Don't you know? Dancing helps to reduce stress."

"What about your work?"

"It's done. Harley's okay now."

I couldn't exactly figure out his expression but seemed like he won't murder me right away and I was pretty okay with that.
I started swaying him as the song changed and he kept stepping over my feet. 

"Seriously sunshine, didn't you guys have dance in middle schools?"
"They didn't in our times." yeah i keep forgetting nico's from 19's .

"So....what's bothering you?"
"You asking it because you are a doctor?"
"I'm asking it because you are my friend."
"friend?" He muttered under his breath but I could hear it anyway for the fact that he was so close. And I took the moment to dip him.

He grumbled about something and I silently smirked, "You don't like it sunshine?"

Instead of replying he took his hands off my shoulders and locked them on the curls of my hair. He ruffled through them and said something weird 

"i tuoi capelli sono bellissimi e vorrei poterti baciare sulle tue labbra perfette"

"Uhh what? I don't speak Latin."

"It's Italian dummy."

"What does it mean?"

"Means you are annoying."

"Okay I might not be that dumb cause I hear the word' parfette' and it definitely meant perfect"

"No, it means 'stupid' stupid"

"huh"  we were nose to nose now and I swear I could feel his heart beating against mine. Right when I thought to take a risky chance and kiss him, the doors of the infirmary flew open.

"Will I thought you were supposed to meet - oh um okay..."

"Piper! you ruined the moment" Suddenly my unconscious patient started to speak, "They were about to kiss!"

"Harley!" we both jumped away in shock his face was redder than cooked tomato. "I thought you were unconscious," I demanded.

"Apparently not" Harley grinned.

"How long are you awake?" Nico asked a sensible question.

"Oh right from the 'you don't need to be worried about me' moment" He mimicked Nico's voice making his eyes big and lips pout. I  glared daggers at him. "I was enjoying the scene until... darn you Piper."

"It was nothing to watch!" we both spoke together and blushed at once.

"Uhh sorry?" Piper was red too, "I am gonna let you guys figure this out-"

"No!" again we spoke at once. Nico took a deep breath "I'm gonna- I have to go now" and vanished.

"damn it, though I refused him to shadow-travel. If he listened to me for once-"

"Umm," Piper was at a loss of words.

"By the way, I know Italian Will," Harley smirked and leaped from the bed, started running to his cabin.

"Wait! Harley! tell me what did he- oh forget it."

"So..." Piper started. "Still need my help?"

I sighed. It was quite a day. "Always beauty queen"

Vote and Comment! Least favourite roman emperor? Mine's Caligula and if you've read The Burning Maze, you know why😭

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