Chapter 1

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Hey fam! Thanks a lot for coming to read this fanfiction. It means a lot. It's the first book I've ever written so it might contain a lot of cringiness and grammatical mistakes (English is not my first language) It took me forever to finish AHHHH.
So yeah, nothing special here, just tried to create a transition between Blood of Olympus and The hidden Oracle. Hope you guys like it and if you do, be sure to vote and comment! Lova ya demigods

Nico's PoV

Nico opened his eyes at the sound of someone knocking on his cabin door. He blinked, trying to focus his eyes on the blinding light that was coming through the windows. Uggh! why did Hades cabin have windows anyways? There's a reason his kids liked darkness!

He opened the door anyway, assuming Percy had come cause it's the only thing he'd been doing for a week. Like, come on dude! He said once he didn't like the camp's regular PED practice. But standing in front of his room was not Percy. It was Will. Immediately Nico felt sorry for not straightening and fixing his hair or changing his messy clothes. 

"Hey, Neeks!"

Again Nico wondered how Will looked so full of cheerful all the time and so....handsome! That guy might wake up from sleep, roll out of bed and still look like this! thinking about that made his cheeks flush but he kept it under control.

"You know I hate it when you call me that, especially at 5 in the morning"

oh...he loves him calling that, but he will rather die before confessing that.

"Ok first, don't care. And second, it's not 5 Nico it's already 6 by now."

"Is that really necessary?"

"Obviously! Especially the running race and also other activities which are going to strengthen your bones and your muscles need to be flexible which is very important for a teenager like you who always stays in his cabin and....

Nico smiled. He could turn hundreds of monsters into skeletons and this guy could still handle him as a teenager.

"What's so funny Di Angelo?" He looked at him.

"Oh, nothing. Please continue."

"And thirdly, the main reason Percy wanted me to wake you up. He probably wanted to talk to you"

"About what?"

"Oh, I don't know, but that's what I came to tell you," he said marching off on his heels.

Nico kind of felt bad cause he wanted to talk to him more. He started for the dining forum, where Percy might be. He wondered why he wanted to talk to him.

He hoped it's not about the whole "not your type" thing again....Gods, he's been so annoying about that.

Jason and Percy were having a very serious conversation but the moment they saw Nico, Jason muttered some curses under his breath and Percy yelled, "I won. Now, my 100 dollars please!"

Nico was confused, "What? Percy, you wanted to tell me something?"

Percy smirked, "See, dude. I told you! If Will calls him, he would not be able to resist."

"Excuse me?" Nico's breath was getting faster. Is there any reason they knew about can't happen!

"Dude?" Jason looked hurt. "You got a crush and you didn't tell me?"

"No guys ...there's nothing like that between us. I just came here because Percy called me and..."

"And what Di-Angelo?" Percy said, "I would like to remind you that I also called you yesterday and the day before yesterday for practice and you shut the door on my face"

Nico really felt helpless. Out of the corner of his eyes, he saw Will walking over with Kayla.Oh, perfect timing.

"The exact reason we send Solace today." Jason continued. "Also it kind of proved that you don't trust me enough to share about your little secrets."

"No, Jason .....I trust you and...."

"Oh, here he comes" Jason turned around, "Now Nico, if you don't confess it to us...."

"We will confess it for you!" Percy screamed."Nico and Will sitting on a tree....."

"Percy shut uppp!" He screamed enough not to let anyone hear what he said.


Nico leaped over and covered Percy's mouth with his hands, "YES YES! I agree with you. Now shut the fuck up"

"Hoorray!" Both of them exclaimed.

Nico sighed and realized everyone in the dining forum was staring at them.

"Confessed what Nico?" Kayla asked.

"Hey!" Will walked towards him, "All good?" 

"Yeah Yeah absolutely." Jason was laughing like crazy. "Also, Nico wanted to practice with you about the chariot racing this evening."

He hated chariot racing, mostly because pegasi fear him for his "Son of Hades" smell and always tries to dive under the water. 

"I thought he hated chariot racing?" Gods, he remembers that! Such a cute guy. Nico thought to himself glaring daggers to Jason, "Ye-

"Not anymore. Go Neeks. We will cheer for you!" That Percy RATTY Jackson. He's gonna get him back.

But Will seemed to light up."Come on then" He kind of dragged Nico outside.

Honestly, it was not that bad. At least Will was sitting right next to him in the same chariot. All steps he showed about perfect balancing and turning it around kind of went over Nico's head. Cause the whole time he was staring at his blonde hair and wonderful smile.

"What?" Will asked.


"You were staring"

"Uhmmm n-no I was not."He hated stammering.

"Yeah?" Will raised an eyebrow."Then show me how to hold the reins."

"Ummmm" Gods that embarrassing! He laughed softly.

"If you don't wanna do it, it's fine. It looked like Jason and Percy sent you against your will. But that's okay." Will reached out and ruffled his black hair and started towards the infirmary, which left Nico totally dumbfounded. Slowly, he smiled.

Of course, Nico lost in Chariot racing. Butch, son of Iris won and took the trophy. Clarisse was shouting that how her wheels broke mid-way and blaming Nyssa. Nico saw Percy, Jason, Annabeth and Piper talking and joking around. Honestly, he felt contended.

Sure, he doesn't really have many friends even now, and he likes to be alone but the situation has changed so much since last summer.He wondered why he even wanted to leave this place at all?

He tried to find Will but he spends most of the time infirmary, tending the wounded. He went for his cabin, opened his cabinet for changing clothes, and a piece of paper fell on the ground. He picked it up, it had a sun drawn with a blue marker on the top.

 He started reading it,

"Neeks! Meet me in front of Cabin 3 at 12 am"

-PS: I know you like me!

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