Chapter 2

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Nico's PoV


Nico wondered if the fear of Tartarus was bigger than the hit he just felt on his gut. He would've fought any monsters in the world...but gods....this was his biggest nightmare.

And how did Will even find out? Overhearing Percy and Jason? probably no. He ain't a stalker! He didn't realize he was sitting on the floor. So, now what? he thought to himself. Maybe flee from camp? 

He took a deep breath.No, he needed to tell him the truth and if Will rejects, if he is a straight guy, he can leave. Forever. Nico started walking around the hall.

Nico was so nervous and shaking, he didn't even bother to think why would Will wanna meet with him in front of Poseidon's cabin. Standing there alone, he started to think about it he heard some whispers.

"Hello?" No answer. But the sound felt like someone was trying to stop a laugh.

"Will?" he peeked at the door and Percy and Jason burst out laughing. Confused, he asked, "What? I thought....wait. It was you guys?"

Jason was doubling over laughing. Percy somehow gathered himself, "Psyche! Nico. Hope we gave you a good heart attack."

"What's even the meaning of all these?" Nico almost cried out.

"Whoa! shush! Don't wake up the whole camp. We just wanted to talk." 

"Yeah? Get ready to meet Hades then. We'll "talk" in the underworld!" He gave a pretty good "Son of the dead's" expression that both of them backed up.

"Jeez, Nico sorry. But we've been trying to help you."

Jason nodded."Yeah. We really needed to discuss something about your crush."

"My crush?"

"Yeah. Also to come up with a brilliant plan to get you guys together. How awesome is that?"

Now Nico started to feel lightheaded. Yes, he desperately needed a plan or advice. "Ok, I guess. " The three sat over Percy's bed.

"Now" Percy started, "What's our first step?"

"Our first step must be making Will fall for him."

"And how am I supposed to do that?"

They discussed many plans but most of them were embarrassing or impossible. Finally, Jason said, "I know!"

"What is it?"

"Catch me handsome!" He exclaimed. "Bro. You are a genius "Percy nodded and they hugged.

"Wait a second." Nico was confused, "What's a catch me handsome?"

"You'll see"



"No way in Hades am I going to do that!" Nico said after they were done with explaining. "Come on, Nico. Why not?" Percy asked.

"Cause don't you think it's a bit ...oh I don't know...a bit weird? and what will he think of me?"

"He is a doctor. He's gonna think you need medical assistance." Jason said.

"And how exactly is that going to make him like me?"

"Cause then you'll spend some time together in the infirmary. And he's gonna slowly fall for you."

Honestly, Nico didn't understand most of their logic, But he guessed since both of them had girlfriends, they must've known better. "Fine!" 

"Get ready for tomorrow then!"

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