Chapter 12

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Nico's PoV

Nico woke up with the sun on his face...again.

He hated mornings, he hated waking up. Grumbling, he rolled on the other side hoping to fall asleep again.

       "Oh good. You're awake"

The voice sounded familiar. he looked up, to find Will leaning slightly over him, "How are you feeling?"

At first, Nico was too sleepy to concentrate, so he mumbled "How did you get in my cabin?"

Will laughed a bit hearing him "You're cabin?" Will walked past him and opened the curtains. Nico blinked, putting his palm over his eyes to adjust to the sunlight. Then it triggered him. Number 1- It was evening, not morning and 2) Where the hell were they? wasn't the regular view of camp half-blood! There were small buildings, some pigeons flocking around. But it seemed so familiar...
            "Where are we?" He asked.
            "You tell me."
            "Huh?" Then he remembered. Will...the game...the kiss. Did all of that really happen?
            "Absolutely," Will said as if reading his thoughts.
His cheeks burned with embarrassment. "Don't tell me I shadow travelled you all the way to...Is this Italy?"
             Will sat beside him, awfully close which was kinda annoying, "Well, you should've told me that kissing triggers your shadow-travel business"
             His cheeks were red too. "How would I know that? I've never kissed anyone before."
Will cocked his eyebrows "really? Then may I ask, how was your first kiss Nico DiAngelo?" Will stared at him like .....wait did he want an actual answer? what am I supposed to say to that?

Nico wondered if it's possible to suck into the ground right then because that's what he would do if he could.
Fortunately, someone knocked on the door and saved him from eternal embarrassment. Will went to see and Nico got up from his bed, noticing they were in fact in some kind of hotel suit. He stared outside trying to grasp anything when he was little. He couldn't remember, of course, being dumped in the river Lethe and all.

A guy who possibly worked in the hotel handed Will some medicines and left. He opened the packet. "Take these."
Nico turned, "What are these?"

"Medicines. You need it."
"I'm good thanks"
"Nico!" Will rolled his eyes and poured the liquid into a spoon. Gods, the smell alone was enough to make him puke. "Open your mouth."
"No please" he begged.

Will was probably used to all this rejection cause he put his hand under his chin and make Nico swallow the whole thing. "That's disgusting!"
"Stop acting like a baby. You needed it."
"Will, seriously, what happened? How long was I out?"

He took a deep breath, "Well, after the .... thing.... you seemed to be going in dark, like a shadow and pulled me too, in this room. That was roughly 24 hours ago"
                 "What? I've been asleep for..."
                 "a whole day, yes"
"And Italy? That must've been because-'
"you were thinking about this place when explaining it to me. And you needed some decent sleep"
"Okay, first of all, stop finishing my sentence"  The damn blush "And second, where in Italy are we?"

"Venice, St. Mark Square"

He racked his brain, Venice....he was here before with Frank and Hazel....was turned into a corn plant...not a pleasant memory. But before that.....he felt something familiar but it was gone before he could catch it.
"Is there where you used to live?" 
"I can't remember" He moaned in frustration.

"It's alright" Will added quickly, "Don't stress about it. You must be hungry, let's go eat" He handed him some clothes and went to the bathroom to change himself.

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