Chapter 19

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Will's PoV

Nico dragged me to the far end of the forest. "Come on Will! Do it!" He urged me. Normally we have restricted the forest to scout around, and use the buddy system if it's really important. But we always come to the forest to do this thing. Cause no one knows about this secret yet. 

"I don't know why you like it. It's so stupid"

"It's adorable!" he pouted and sat on a small log. His iron sword still dangling from his thin waist as we came here straight from practice. 

"You're adorable," I said, taking my shirt off. I didn't miss him eyeing my body when I sat comfortably beside him, hugging my knees and trying my best to focus on a sweet memory. 

I started swaying him as the song changed and he kept stepping over my feet.

"Seriously sunshine, didn't you guys have dance in middle schools?"
"They didn't in our times." 

"So....what's bothering you?"
"You asking it because you are a doctor?"
"I'm asking it because you are my friend."

"friend?" He muttered under his breath but I could hear it anyway for the fact that he was so close. And I took the moment to dip him.

I felt all five of my happy hormones releasing and making my heart combust in the process. This one was probably going to be one of my most favourites memory ever. I peeked with one eye and felt a warmth radiating from my skin. The dark cluster of trees could be seen clearly now, along with the pretty face of the guy sitting in front of me.

"Hi," I said grinning stupidly.

"You're glowing" He stated the obvious. And yes, I was. Since the day we returned to camp, Nico had been insisting on showing the trick once more and I kept denying it. But he got me to do it today. "How do you even do it?"

"Sunshine, you can seize shadows from creatures, our parents are legit gods and this thing impresses you?" I asked. He touched my hair gently. He's been obsessing over it for days now.

"It's cool and it suits you. Son of the sun god, I can tell"

"Well, what I think is happening is the protein and sugars in my cell are combined to produce solar energy and-"

Before I can proceed with my awesome theory, he kissed me violently, almost throwing me off the ground while doing so. I melted within it holding him as close as possible, feeling nothing but his cold chapped lips. I bet Nico could hear my heartbeat, for it was thumping so loud I might have developed a tachycardia.

We pulled out for a quick breath and I dived into his lips again, stealing his breath away and trapping him in my arms.

I just love our little make-out sessions. And thank gods it'd been happening a lot lately since last week. I knew we should go now because it was already getting dark, but his lips were intoxicating, it always makes me kiss him again and again and again.

Until I heard a distant echo. 

I almost pushed him away and stood straight, my eyes darting our surroundings. 
"What?" confused, he asked.
"Don't you hear that?" I shushed to listen keenly. I was right! Someone was calling, well more like grunting and screaming for help.
Nico stood straight up, readying his sword. I clutched to my wicked med-pack and braced for whatever was coming in our way.

The voice got closer and closer and we stare in horror as some trees moved away to clear their way in the middle of the forest. And the trail was leading right to us.
"Miranda?" I suspiciously asked.

Yes, she was the last person to go missing 5 days ago, convincing everyone that something creepy was indeed going on with our forest and it wasn't a mere "Let's explore the forest" adventure. Because Miranda never left her post without giving notice beforehand.

"Stop glowing!" Nico hissed beside me while trying to cover my 6 feet frame with his little body.
"I'm trying to" I hissed back.
Advice for the son of Apollos: being scared is a great way to turn off your lights. Soon, we were standing in the dark listening to the voice. 

I waited for it to show up, but of course, Nico had to attack before we can even know what it was. He slashed straight with his sword right when I managed to scream "Nico hold up!"

The person in front of us, who seemed to drag a pile of leaves with them, was breathing heavily. As my eyesight adjusted, I took hold of her and saw, it was a little, chubby girl wearing glasses and a  dress that might as well be covered in the dirt of the whole forest. 

Nico took ahold of himself and asked, "Who are you?"

The girl answered some really clear like, "AGHAHBJAVIKAKA"

"Hold on," I said, "Breath first" then touched her forehead gently. Years of grieves and physical hurt passed right through me as she fell on the ground. I silently shot Nico a message to get the cubes of ambrosia from my med-pack while I gently held her up. 

"Hey, stay with me" I spoke softly, "You're gonna be just fine. Can you tell me your name?"
"Megara Mc. Caffrey and we need your help" She muttered.
"Don't worry" I fed her the medicines when Nico arched his eyebrow, "Who's We?"

She opened her eyes, "Yes. Me and him" she said while pointing to the bunch of leaves which appeared to...move a little?!

"Holy Hades it's a person?" Nico flinched hovered over the body. Meg giggled like he just told a joke, "No, of course not"

He rolled the guy over, whose brown hair was messy as fuck. Being covered in leaves, he looked like he straight fell in the dumpsters from the sky.

"He's my servant. And the god, Apollo"

Well... shit, dad! 

"You.gotta" Nico murmured.

"dad!" I yelled at him then back at Nico, "Why the fuck does he look like dead??"

Hehe so that's the ending! Thanks a lot for bearing with me and MAKE SURE TO VOTE FOR THIS CHAPTER!!
I tried my best to create a smooth transition between the two books which....did not turn out smooth as well, but hey at least it's done! I'm writing a fanfiction about Fierrochase in royal au called "The Perfect Prince(ss)" so you can check that if you want to.

 Now about the prize...we have a camp Jupiter google classroom where we do awesome badass stuff, talk about life and everything. We have wargames on Fridays and regular quests. I am on a quest right now so fingers crossed! We have two amazing prayetors and augur. here's the code: wc3johf

Hoping to see you there!Love you!

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