Chapter 6

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Nico's PoV

"Your hair is beautiful and I wish I could kiss you on your perfect lips"

Like who even says that stuff? Me apparently he thought. What has gotten into him? he never was that clingy. Seemed like a lot of things he used to think were wrong. First, of all, he never dances, secondly he never felt like kissing someone, okay maybe apart from Percy but he was over it long ago.

damn Nico, don't you dare fall in love with another straight guy, not another damn straight guy

Most importantly he thought he was powerful enough to destroy a whole army and why wouldn't he be? he survived two of the most important wars, labyrinth, underworld, Tartarus, a trip across the world but still couldn't manage to shadow travel away further than outside the infirmary when Piper arrived.
                                          "oh gods" he croaked. he sat down on the ground listening to Harley from inside the infirmary, "I know Italian Will!!" and running outside. Then Will's voice "Wait ! tell me what he said"
                                           "crap" he muttered. If he tells Will what he actually meant in Italian, I'm gonna give the kid a thrashing. I need to get outta there first, in case Will comes outside.

Jason told him earlier that Piper couldn't help him right now because she was helping some other camper to convince their lover. And he just saw Piper coming into the infirmary because Will called her, to talk about something and Nico isn't dumb enough not to connect the dots. Will likes someone.

He stumbled to his own cabin, pronouncing the words in his mind again and again will likes someone will likes someone will likes someone no worries it isn't like that I liked him or anything right? 

He didn't even remember how he reached his cabin or when he had fallen asleep, but he woke up with the sun right in his face again and someone holding his hand. He groaned and turned and almost had a heart attack. Yes, you can guess who was beside him. Will dam Solace.

He watched his sleeping face and couldn't control the giggles, he's sleeping like a baby, which is kind of no it's not cute!! stop looking at his face Nico.

                                "What?" shit he woke up "Are you giggling?" He asked, his voice heavy with sleep.
                                "No" he tried to look serious. "So....did you spend the whole night with me?"
                                "It's morning already?" he looked at him "and yes I slept with you"

A blush crept on his face when he said, "I mean not in that way. Like-I mean-"
                                       "Why?" Nico asked softly.
Will let go of his hand, sat up on the bed, "I'm sorry."
                                       "Sorry for what? you didn't do something with me at night ri-"
                                       "What? no. What are you even-ok listen. I knew you hated physical contact and I still forced you to dance and Piper arrived, you thought you did something wrong and I should've known whenever you feel strong emotions you shadow travel away. But you are still not strong enough for that so I came to check up on you with dinner for which you didn't show up for and you were literally lying on the ground-"

                                         "gee- slow down Solace. How did you even get in?"
                                          "You didn't close the door! And you were lying on the ground unconscious. For a second I thought you were..."
He just nodded. Only then Nico noticed how pale he looked and also the nectar vial on the table beside.                           " so you stayed the whole night for me?"
                                          "What else am I supposed to do?"
                                          "Does that mean if I'm dead it'll mean something to you?"
Will squinted as if he just slapped him. "What? of course. And not only me, all of the campers care. Percy, Annabeth, Hazel, Reyna -they care. We are your friends!"

 right.friends.nothing more   "friends?"

Will looked away. "Yes. But if you don't wanna be that's a different story."
"Why would I not wanna be?"
"I don't know. Sometimes, you behave like that."
"I - behave?" 
"Just drop it okay? How are you feeling?"

He was enraged with himself now, to brought up the subject."Good"

                    "Perfect." he stood up, "now you need to eat something" and brought up the tray of foods in front of him.

"No, I can't eat anything in the morning. I'm going to sleep"
"You can after you've eaten something."
"Nico, when was the last time you've eaten anything? I'm guessing that's yesterday evening when I saw you munching an apple? you are wasting away."
"I am not eating anything"
"yes, you are."
"Fine. gods you're annoying" he sat up properly in his bed, holding the tray and not trying to make eye contact.

He grinned, "so I've been told"

After he finished eating, Will went for his usual infirmary round while Nico was just in his cabin, unsure of what to do. 

In the evening, Chiron gathered everyone in the arena for the game. Nico was planning to hide somewhere, he didn't wanna play some stupid race to death game. But before he can even sneak somewhere, Piper caught him, "Nico! what are you doing here? The game's that way."
                    "I know! I just don't wanna play"
                    "Oh no, you don't sneak somewhere. Chiron insists that you will play with us. And it'll be so much fun, right?"

Something ticked inside him and he started walking towards the arena, though he knew he didn't wanna go there. Only after arriving, he understood she had charm spoken him.

                      "hey, Neeks. come here" Will caught him standing there. Too late to turn back now. Reluctantly he started walking towards him. 
                      "Guess what happened. Holly and Laurel fought with Clarisse about who's gonna win and all of them are in the infirmary now."
                     "what? and you are happy about that?"
                     "I mean three of the most competitive players are out now. It's a good thing. Not happy as a doctor you know" he winked like it's some of their secrets. He told him a lot of stuff about the campers but he was distracted every time by his eyelashes. gods, those were beautiful.

Soon everyone gathered and Chiron started to explain the rules, "dear campers, there are 3 Laurel wreaths and you need to get at least one and come back alive to win the game. No monsters are arranged. You'll be tied to your partner. There are 12 groups that I'm announcing right now"

                  He picked random pieces of paper from a jar "Katie and Austin, Piper and Malcolm, Percy and Annabeth..."
"Gods yes!" they hugged. They were a lucky couple to be paired together.
                "Clovis and Drew" 
                "no- please gods" Drew cried, "I don't want him!!"
                "My dear, you have to play with whoever your name falls with."

                "Cecil and Sherman"  he looked over, "Where is Cecil?"
                "I didn't see him after lunch anywhere," Travis said.
                "Hermes kids. Always sneaks around."  Someone stated.
                "Will and Nico"  

He almost choked his own saliva. Wait what? Will looked at him grinningly "oh yes"
He started to avoid one guy in the whole camp and he turns out to be his partner.

They were all in their line when Will walked over and started pairing up with him. He was so close that his shoulder brushed against his, arms were touching, "I can't do this" He reluctantly spoke out loud.
                  "Why? is anything wrong? are you feeling sick?"
                  "No you are too close and I don't like-"
                  "Nico it's just for the game. And do I have to remind you that we danced together yesterday and oh... also I picked you up to bed when you were unconscious last night?"
                   "That was different."  blush crept across his face. did he pick him up?  "Everybody's watching now"
                   "No one is watching, they're too busy trying to win. Come on Nico"
                    "Fine!" funny how will always win in an argument

"Are you guys ready? there you go!!!"Harley screamed.

The ground opened wide and Nico started falling into the dark, holding Will as close as possible.

Vote and Comment! How many languages do you speak? I got 6 :)

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