Part 16: Spirit fission on a fusion

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I was sparring with Vegeta, me in base form, and him in super saiyan 2. I was still beating him, causing the prince an insane amount of frustration. As I was fighting him, Vados would give both of us advice, mostly Vegeta.

He grit his teeth, backed away, and powered up to god. I smirked at the scowling saiyan, and took my stance as hr took his.

"U-um Y/n?"

"What's up Kale."

"S-sis w-wants a rematch."

"Tell her I'll kick her ass when I'm done with Vegeta."

Vegeta yelled out in response to that, and went straight to blue evolution. I grinned at his anger and transformed into a super saiyan 2, deciding to humor him.

He screamed and charged me, causing me to dodge, and kick him the chest, knocking the wind out of him. I followed up with multiple punches to his stomach, chest, and finally face.

"Hmm. It was smart of you to target his stomach to stagger him, but against someone like Whis, I wouldn't waste my time with chest punches, and I would attack the face and neck as long as I could."

"I know, but I'm fighting Vegeta, and I don't want to kill or cripple him."

"I do."

"Bulma, please."

She sighed and took a sip of her drink.

I finished up my fight with Vegeta, and a familiar voice rang out.


"Um, Kefla, you are aware of the fact-"

"I was prepared! No Ultra Instinct from you, mister!!"

I simply nodded and took a stance. She laughed, transformed into super saiyan four, and rushed me.

I changed into a super saiyan god immediately, and dodge her attacks, before jumping and kicking her away. She stood back up, seemed in thought, before grinning and roaring, as she changed back into base form, before being covered in a flash of light.

 She stood back up, seemed in thought, before grinning and roaring, as she changed back into base form, before being covered in a flash of light

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Okay, that makes things a little more troublesome. I simply changed my stance, and watched as she flew at me. I intercepted her, by kicking her in the face before she could reach me.

Bulma laughed at the saiyan, gaining a growl from her. I prepared myself as she charged me, dodging, before uppercutting her in the chin.

"Yo Kefla, try going blue, I want to try something that may benefit you a ton."

She raised an eyebrow, before grinning and raising her power to it's highest, did the tingly back bullshit, and transformed again.

She raised an eyebrow, before grinning and raising her power to it's highest, did the tingly back bullshit, and transformed again

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She flew at me one more time, and I took a deep breath, sidestepping a kick, and punching her in the side, using spirit fission. I heard two thuds behind me.

"No way!"

"Y/n, th-thank y-you so much!"

I turned around, and grinned at my success.

I turned around, and grinned at my success

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"Hehe, I wasn't sure that'd work, but I'm glad it did

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"Hehe, I wasn't sure that'd work, but I'm glad it did."

I rubbed my head and chuckled, only for them to tackle me to the ground.

"Yes! I'm finally on the old man's level!"

"I wouldn't say that."

"Th-thanks again Y/n."

"Any time Kale."

They caught me off guard by kissing me on the cheek, resulting in Bulma chasing after them with the newspaper she was reading in hand and a flip flop in the other.

"Oh, it seems we're confessing our love to Y/n."


Vados surprised me even more by straight up grabbing my face and kissing me, before pulling away.

"I-uh, what?"

"Oh, it seems I misread the situation. In that case, forget that happened, and when it really does happen, continue to act surprised."

She walked off, leaving me even more confused, as Bulma sprinted after her at a surprising speed. What the hell just happened?

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