Part 11; UI vs. AI

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I watched as Goku was fighting and winning against Broly, before being overwhelmed, and eventually transforming himself into blue, resulting in a confused Frieza, and a Paragus on the verge of pissing himself.

Goku was beating the saiyan around, until I heard a quiet sound, before hearing Frieza clear his throat. I turned and saw him hollering, before I noticed the slumped figure beside him. Damn, I'm definitely gonna have to intervene.



I watched as the sky turned dark and an explosion shook the ground. I groaned ad watched as Broly emerged from the ground, coated in a green aura with golden hair. Goku was losing, before he backed away, and I could tell the plan he came up with. He flew by us, with a smile.

"Good luck Frieza!"


He got attacked by the furious saiyan and I watched entertained, before I decided to help.

"You dare make me exert myself!?"

Frieza changed into a golden form, but I landed in front of him, and held out my arm.

"Oh? And what are you going to do?"

"Fight him until Goku comes back."

He scoffed, only for me to roar and transform into a super saiyan three. I shouldn't need to go any further.

I pulled myself from the cliff, an annoyed look on my face. To save myself the annoyance, I'm gonna go all the way. Maybe being beaten like a damn fool will make him calm down.

I changed back, and felt my mind go empty, before opening my eyes and finding Broly's fist in the cliff beside my head. I threw a single punch, watching him go flying, before roaring and attacking, hoping to subdue him.

I dodged another attack, surprised at the fact he's still moving.


"You should tone it down a little...."

I moved to the side, and borrowed a technique I learned from a friend.

Broly staggered, and I heard Whis chuckle a little.

"Time Skip and Ultra Instinct, that's the most deadly combination I could think of. It also seems like you had that move prepared for someone."

"That's because I do."

He simply laughed before he grew a serious smirk.

"You're making it difficult for me to await the day our battle comes."

I dodged another attack from Broly, before kicking him into the cliff behind me, before launching a flurry of attacks at his stomach. He coughed, and I three him into another cliff, firing a kamehameha that pushed him through it.

I powered down to ssj4, and charged at him, before punching him in the chest, changing to UI to dodge his attack, and countering in ssj4.

I ducked under a punch of his, before throwing him away.

I exhaled, and kicked him multiple times before backflipping away, and roaring, throwing a punch into his chest.

He roared out, even angrier than before, causing me to sigh.

"Goku, he isn't that hard to find."

Immediately after I said that, a figure arrived in front of me, causing me to step back.

"We'll take it from here!"

"Well, sometimes your best ally is yourself

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"Well, sometimes your best ally is yourself."

Bulma laughed as Whis and I looked at each other, having spoken in sync.

"My, it seems the old man has some wisdom."

"Whis, you have no right to call anyone old."

He laughed and we watched as the fusion between Black and Goku transformed.

He laughed and we watched as the fusion between Black and Goku transformed

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"C'mon Broly, try to entertain us."

I groaned, watching confident fusion take a stance and Broly charge.

The two were clashing, and the planet was shaking, but Gokarot launched him away, before charging a black and blue kamehameha.

"It seems as though this fight is coming to a rousing finish."


The fusion bellowed, and the enraged saiyan's eyes widened as he disappeared. I turned and watched as the dragon balls flew up and away. So it seems if I'm outside them, Shenron grants the wishes. I'll have to thank her for saving me time.

I watch Gokarat grab Frieza's pointed finger, before Frieza pulled his hand away and returned to his ship. I was about to go off and follow them, only for Whis to tap me. I turned and he motioned me to walk with him.

"What's up Whis? I'm nowhere near half of your power, even with a timeskip and kaioken, so that can't be it."

"My father, the grand priest wishes to speak with you. He wants to learn more of the Dragon with the power to beat some of the gods."

"I see. Well, shall we head off? I would like to bring Bulma if that isn't too much trouble."

Whis's staff glowed and he grinned at me.

"It isn't, don't worry, she'll be treated to the finest food in the multiverse while we speak."

I nodded and put my hand on his shoulder.

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