Part 18; The fastest in the universe.

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I blocked a punch from Whis, as he blocked one from me. We have been going at it for a couple of minutes now, us being so evenly matched we can't even land a hit. That's gotta be the issue though. I'm not attacking fast enough.

I felt my stance switch to a wing-chun stance, which caused Whis to raise an eyebrow. He threw a punch at me, causing me to move his arm to the side and throw a volley of punches at his chest, all of them landing, which gained a surprised gasp from everyone able to see it.

Whis grinned as he backed away, and took a stance of his own.

"Alright Y/n. Let's see what you can do."

I charged him, with a punch as a diversion. He fell for it and went to block, only for me to spin with the force he put behind it, and roundhouse him in the face. He spun with the impact and punched me in the side, causing me ti grab his arm and knee him in his own side multiple times, before I hit his liver.

He fell to his knee, and I kicked him back.

"Time ten kamehameha."

The blast got close to him, but he tried to use God bind on me. I struggled a second, before reflecting it at him, rendering him immoble. I grabbed him and threw him, hoping for ring out, only for him to fire a blast behind him, pushing him back into the ring.

"Well that was a close one."

"Darn. Almost got you."

"Geez, Y/n you sound too calm about this!"

"Sis, he's using Ultra Instinct you know."

"I know, Kale, but it's creepy!"

"I think it makes him seem determined, and it makes me want to root for him even more!"

"....You're pretty weird sis."

I ignored the exchange between the two, and kept fighting against Whis. We are still pretty much equal. We're both using our full power, but neither can gain an advantage.

"You are truly amazing Y/n. You're even stronger than Vados when I fought her."

"How do I scale to the other angels?"

"Me and Vados are tied for first, but at this rate I think I may be tied with you as well!"

"Interesting, if only you weren't wrong."


"Goku was saving it for Beerus, but since he's gone, I think he's be happy if I used it against you."

"He can't possibly mean-? On top of that form!? Is he insane!?"

"Yes, I am Vegeta."

I fired a point blank blast at Whis, gaining some space.


"Oh my, that is rather troublesome."

"Times 20."

"Oh dear."

I simply held my hands in front of me, before pulling them to my side.


Whis summoned his staff, and it started spinning in front of him.


His staff was increasing in speed, as he grew a look of genuine concern and joy.


A small orb appeared in front of his staff, sweat glistening on his face.


The orb grew, and he got a strained look.


My sudden scream surprised everyone but Whis, who returned one of his one.


My blue beam, filled with a silver and reddish aura, clashed with his pure white beam, struggling for dominance.


My beam started steadily taking over his, as he was dripping sweat from the effort.

"Is he seriously?"

"No way!"

"C'MON Y/N!"



I was surprised by the last voice whi chimed in.

"Go forth Y/n. I was the first to surpass a god, but you will be the first to surpass the angels."

I grinned in response, and let out a final roar.

Whis's eyes widened, and his beam was taken over, pushing him off the side.

I was left panting, and powered back down to base form.

"Congratulations Y/n. How's it feel to be the second strongest being in all 12 universes?"

"What do you mean second? I still have yet to beat you, Grand Priest."

"Y/n, I am the third strongest. Vados and Whis surpassed me a long time ago. I presume your ability to sense, takes everything into account, including abilities. I may br physically weaker, but I have tons more techniques, and powers than they do."

My eyes widened as I came to the realization. I finally did it. I'm the strongest being that can fight in all 12 universes. I did surpassed every other deity, and became the strongest there is.

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