Chapter 4: Vegeta ruins his marriage and leaves

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I walked over to Goten and Trunks, and the latter looked up at me.

"Hey Trunks, what's wrong?"

"Dad is acting really weird. He called me annoying, just because I asked him to train with me, and then Goten called him mean, and he threatened to kill him!"

"Hmm....this gives me bad memories. I'll have to check in with him. Trunks, Goten, you two stay here and hang out. I'll even train with you both later, if I don't smack some sense into Vegeta and he does it."

Trunks nodded and I felt for Vegeta's ki. I used instant transmission, and saw him blasting deer.

"What's going on Vegeta? First you insult your wife, then you threaten my- Goku's son and your own."

"....I saw my old saiyan armor today."

"Okay? What about it?"

"It reminded me how much I did, and the fact I enjoyed it. It also made me realize, I don't enjoy anything anymore except fighting Kakarot. Because of it, I've decided I'm going to stop being an earthling."

"....Are you a Majin again?"

"Tch, don't be ridiculous. These are just the feelings that resulted in me becoming one."

"I see. Are you ever going to come back?"

"I will, but not to reunite with everyone."

I sighed and watched as he killed another deer, and flew off. I was going to follow, but he dropped his power, and went into the trees. This doesn't make sense. It's nothing like Baby, but I don't know how something that small would cause this. God, this is going to be hard to explain.

I appeared before Trunks and Goten again, and they looked at me.

"Y/n, did you find out what's going on with dad?"

"No, but I will. He's going to leave the planet. He decided he doesn't want to be a human anymore. I assume he's going back to being a mean saiyan. I'm gonna tell your mom, and then I'll come back."

They nodded, and I teleported to Bulma, only to find her walking out of the shower.


I walked out, waited a minute, and walked back in. I found Bulma putting some high heels on with a dress.

"Bulma, did Vegeta explain what's going on to you?"

"He did. He said he wanted a divorce, nothing to do with any of us except Goku, Beerus, and Whis, and took off."

"Dammit. That makes things harder. Bulma, before you go out and end up in a one night stand and get your nudes leaked to the internet for your son to find while scrolling through celebrity nudes when he gets older, why not just drink with me?"

"Y/n, if you're an alternate Goku, you getting drunk is the worst thing I can imagine after this situation."

"Pssht, I'm a deity, I can handle alcohol."

She raised an eyebrow.

I opened my eyes, and saw I'm outside getting poked by Trunks.

"Um, mother is he okay?"

"He is, leave him alone."

"How'd ah get her?"

"You got drunk off your ass after two glasses, had some pretty intense sex with your best friend's wife, while both of your kids were home, staggered outside saying something about 'Ahm guner faind tha mafia bunny' before passing out on the ground."

"....Did you just skip over the fact we-"

"Yes, I am. I am still married, unless Vegeta isn't back in two weeks."

I rubbed my eyes and saw Goku and Trunks talking with each other, when a weird portal thing opened, and revealed another Goku.

"Oh god, it's a Goku bargain sale."

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