Chapter 3

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I found myself on a purple planet, with dozens of smaller planets in the sky all around. While I was taking in the sights, Beerus let out a yawn and headed towards what look likes his home.

"Good luck training with Whis, I am going to take a nap."

"Oh, thank you. Have a good rest, Lord Beerus."

He went inside and Whis started walking. I followed after him, and arrived at a small clearing near a lake and a forest. I noticed two rocks that weren't there a second ago, and assume that Whis put them there.

"All right Y/n. In order for you to transcend Ultra Instinct, you must first reach it, correct?"

"Woah, you really are the fastest in the universe. Unlike someone else who claimed to be that."

"Ah yes, that Burter fellow was fairly slow in all honesty."

We both chuckled, and Whis motioned towards one stone while sitting on the other. I sat down and Whis's staff moved from his hand, to laying on the ground before him.

"Now, as you know super saiyan is achieved through rage. However, this technique is the opposite. I'm not going to make you angry, I'm going to make you calm. Now, this should be extremely easy for you, given your experience, and meditation."

I closed my eyes, and started taking deep breaths. After a while, he did it. He doesn't even know it. However, this appears to just be a sign. His hair is the same color, but some of it is floating. I decided to summon that Vegeta he spars with, and had it throw a punch at him. He didn't even flinch, but he tilted his head.


He opened his eyes and turned to look at me, only to find Vegeta's fist in his face. Vegeta disappeared and he looked at me.

"It seems that you are unable to use the true extent of ultra instinct, but I believe if you master this Omen, you'll achieve the same results as mastering it."

I nodded and he stood up so I did as well.

"Now, I'm going to teach you how to do it on command."

I arrived at the planet after discovering Vegeta has been here, and started training with him and Whis. We were taking a break, when I saw Y/n was here too! He had his eyed closed, and he seemed to be meditating. He was flying, and his hair was floating.

I was going to go say hi, when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned and saw Whis.

"I wouldn't interrupt him right now."

I nodded, and he got a call on his staff. He answered and saw it was Bulma. He answered and we learned Frieza was there. I turned to get Vegeta, but I noticed Y/n was gone, and a yelp come Whis's staff. I looked and saw Frieza's headless body. I turned back and Y/n was on the rock again. Did he? Bulma said Frieza's head suddenly exploded and he disappeared. How did someone wish him back though?

"Uh, if Y/n is here, how did they use the dragon balls?"

"They used the Namekian dragonballs."

Oh. That makes sense. Everyone was inside talking, except Y/n. I wondered what he was doing, until suddenly a super saiyan four Y/n crashed through the wall.

"Oi! I don't know what a fat Beerus wannabe is going here, but I'm not gonna let you trash his place!"

He flew out, and we all looked outside, and saw Y/n attacking a fat guy that looks like Beerus. Beerus informed us that this is his brother Champa.

He challenged Beerus to a battle between universes, and so they decided to have me go with them just in case. I never fought, however, because those two were hogging everything. I went home after a job well done, and lay down and went to sleep. I woke up in my little cabin, and stretched.

I decided to head over to Capsule Corp, and found Bulma and Vegeta arguing. I summoned some popcorn, and watched. Guess Vegeta never got his character development yet. He stormed off to train again, and I sat my popcorn down and walked over to the frustrsted.......bluenette? Feminist? I don't know, doesn't matter.

"What's up Bulma?"

"Tch, Vegeta being a jerk again."

"Oh. What're you working on?"

"I'm trying to make a time machine that can go to other timelines, so we can check on Trunks."

"Oh, nice. But, isn't that him right there?"

I turned and looked where Y/n pointed his thumb, only to see nothing. I was about to say something, only for a time machine to appear, and Y/n grinned.

"What the-?"

"Don't worry about it. Learned a thing or two from Whis."

She just nodded in acceptance and went to check on Trunks. I leaned against a pillar, while he rested. Bulma came back and sat by him, before she looked at me.

"Do you know what happened to him?"

"No clue. Hey Bulma?"


".....Why do you seem a little prettier than the last time I saw you?"


"What? So is Kyran Jennice, and you see all kinds of people talking about it."

"......she's a model, your point is invalid."

"Sheesh, you couldn't take a compliment in my timeline either. I just wanted to make you feel better because Vegeta called you a gross old hag."

"Oh, thank you."

I watched as she stood up and started walking out, only to notice something.

"Yo Bulma."


"You do know married women wear rings, right?"

She turned and looked at me.

"I'm heading out. See you tomorrow."

She walked away and I sighed. Wonder what's making her relationship with Vegeta so dicey all of a sudden. I saw kid Trunks with his hands on his face, and Goten patting his back. Strange.

I decided to walk over, since Trunks won't wake up for a while.

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