It's Time To Confess

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   "This is the time I will confess my feeling to him." Genos say confidently in front of me and Saitama.

   "Confess what? With who?" Saitama asks confused about Genos statement.

   "About whether Genos should say he loves Kagami or not. Saitama, the three of us speak this for a couple of days." 

   "Oh." Saitama answering short.

   "Anyway, you sure about this? You don't know my brother that much." I worried with Genos.

   "After hanging out with him I realized who I love the most. Wish me luck master, Y/N." Genos bows giving us his determined eyes that say "It's now or never".

In my opinion, Kagami is different. His. Not. Normal.

   "I gonna say this again to make sure you understand your decision. When you confess doesn't mean you became his lover but one of his 'loyal puppies'. Got that?" Genos looks at me with his determined face.

   "No matter what you say I ready for this. He pats me, compliments me, became my hearing support, and that smile makes my heartbeat became crazy.

   But on another side, the way he starring at me like trash, his insult word, he also punishes me and rewards me if I doing a good job.

   Hah, hah remember that time make my body trembling with blessing!" 

That's what I called loyal puppies symptom.

For your information readers, Loyal puppy is a syndrome I call about Kagami's social life. Since we young, Kagami has an aura that can attract people around him easily.

It becomes worst when he learns that from mom. My mom is like to have a double personality, she can be an angel but at the same time an evil sadist one. Dad will make sure we don't saw her evil side but children can not help to be curious about everything.

Anyway, but to a topic, Kagami is a pro when seduces a person. Bad type, cute type, yandere type any kind of type that exists in this world, as long as it gives him benefit he will do it. That's how a lazy person like him can survive in this cruel world. Mom, you must proud to make Kagami the same as you but lazier.

While I talk with you guys, Genos already go out to meet Kagami. Looks like there's is no hope for him.

   "I should go to work too." I look at Saitama waiting for my kiss but it looks like Saitama doesn't get it.

   "What?" Saitama asks me.

   "I wait for my kiss my silly boyfriend. Don't you see that I'll go to work?" I point my cheeks to him.

Saitama blushing when I mention kissing. He becomes redder than usual. So, you try your hard to hide that kind of reaction for all this time huh, interesting.

Saitama ready to kiss my cheeks when suddenly I turn my head which makes our lips clash together. That's not my intention but at least I found out he has soft lips.

   "Oopsie." That what I can say. I pat Saitama on the head and run outside.

This is embarrassing!!!

This feeling remember me of my relationship past with Tatsumaki. It all started with a normal kiss, Tatsumaki is so cute when she shy around that time but the longer it goes the more aggressive she became.

   "I wish Saitama don't act the same as her." I shivering when imaging it.


I think I'm out for 4 or more hours now. This town is chaos!!!

I being pay to kill a human fish or something like that but there are too many fish on the surface here.

I am pretty sure I shooting the 'king' just then but out of nowhere I feel pressure behind me and then everything is black. The last thing I remember when someone says "You cute so I just let you live for now. Considering this as a warning luck."

It must come from that king of the fish. Ergh, warning luck? That thing is just a pervert. Better if I don't see it anymore, if I saw again it can kiss my bullet.


Sonic P.O.V

Deep-Sea King. It's become stronger because of rain, I'm lucky enough to manage run away before it kills me.

Of course, I have to sacrifice my cloth to do that and now I face to face with a hero in the middle of rain while naked.

   "Who are you?" Do you have to ask now?!

I already embarrassing here. Ok, Sonic, don't let him know that you feel uncomfortable right now. Let's just give him your poker face alright?

   "Are you a hero?" I asking him calmly, forgetting myself who still naked. I hope nobody comes here beside this hero, especially him.

   "My, what we have here." Speaks of the devil, why is he here!!!!!

   "Ka-Kagami..." My voice gives a weak voice. In all people why must the one I want to avoid the most?

   "You did not just let yourself being claimed as a criminal but a surely shock me here." Kagami smiles at me.

Yes, that smile who hiding a million mean, and this smile surely have a bad meaning.

The hero who ask me before run to Kagami like a child. For some reason, I can feel my chest boiled with anger.

   "Kagami, I want to say something to you. Do you have a moment?" That man acts like a girl who wants to confess to her boyfriend.

Wait it can't be right?

   "Keep going." Kagami lazily waiting.

   "Let me became one of your loyal puppies!!!" The hero shout.

....wait a minute? Instead, say I love you please be my boyfriend something like that he says he wants to be he's what loyal puppy?

What in this world is that loyal puppy is?

And why it happens when I naked in the public??!!

Kagami's smile' became large and pat the hero. I can feel that hero has a tail waggle happily like a dog.

Kagami saw I'm still here and walk to me. Why my heart beat fast? Is it because I'll be scared he gonna kill me? It is because he will not forgive what I have done to him? Or it is because my feelings for him still exist?

Kagami now stands in front of me. I-I can not breathe!!

   "I don't do anything yet you already hard?" He looks at me from my face to the lower part.

When he said I hurriedly close it with my hands while kneeling. Argh, so embarrassed why it has to be now?!

I look at him make our eyes meet each other. I hurriedly look to the ground.

   "Could it be you still have a feeling at me? Is that true, Sonic." Hearing him chuckle at my situation making me harder than usual.

I have always been humiliated before but why this difference when he's here?

Kagami pulls up my chin to see his smirk face. His face comes closer to me makes me flinch and move back but he grabs my chin to make sure I don't move.

   "What's the wrong naked boy? Cat got your tongue? Better not because I'm the one who can have it." I nod.

For some reason, I can not resist. What is happening?

   "Even you betray me I still like you so this what I think. Want to become one of the loyal puppies?"

   "What is that loyal puppies are?" I ask while he touches my cheeks playfully.

   "Well, it means we still can meet each other. As long as you been useful to me."

I only hear half of it because of his gentle touch. Does he say we can meet each other? If that so I will become one for him.

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