Show me your loyalty

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My body sore after killing too much monster. It big and buff I mean how can sea creatures have big muscles and taller than me? What is wrong with the world I leave?!

Forget about it, I want to sleep. You can cut my payment as much as you want I gonna home.






I can't do that.

I need that money to buy a weapon. Kagami, that idiot twin brother destroy my gun-type FN 57 and QSZ-92. Poor my babies get kill by that lazy sloth. Not just that, the price is crazy, how can a small pistol become so expensive.

So yeah, I need that payment. If I can find another solution to get pay and rest at the same time...

Then, Saitama walks not far away from me. It may be rain but I can still detect 'cause of his hero suit.

...Wait a minute...

Saitama + super-strong + your boyfriend + just do it whatever that you want= Sleep time and payment.


Saitama can help me, I mean he's the right candidate for this. Thank you, creator!

My jackpot here I come.

   "Saitama~" I yelled and waved to get his attention. He saw and walk towards me.

   "Why you here Y/N?" He asks.

   "Doing job like always so do you right?" I am kinda flustered when I called him. I still remember our accident kiss that happens this morning.

Ok Y/N, focus on what you need to do.

   "I have been harassed just then. It quite scary that time, a monster took a liking to me and want to do some nasty things against me." I hug myself and pretending trembling while looks at him like sad cat eyes.

I hope he falls for it. Acting is damn hard, how is Kagami doing it?

Saitama P.O.V


Y/ boyfriend...has been...harass?

   "Do you remember what it looks like?"

   "Hm? I think the body is a green or blue color. Ah, it also wearing a crown." Y/N stated while trembling. He must so scare.

That freaking fish just harass him, of course, his scare!!!

How dare them doing that. I even no doing properly at Y/N too. I remember that guy on the phone locate where that fish is.

Heh, I gonna kill you.

   "Your smile looks creepy, Saitama." Y/N talk to me. It can't help when something harming you my dear Y/N.

   "Don't worry, just rest. I need to go somewhere right now." I kiss Y/N on his forehead which made him blush.

I now starting to move to where that damn fish is leaving Y/N to calm down.


Wait, it is success? Am I manage to lied?

Huh, who knows I not that bad in acting though.

   "Once someone loves you there is nowhere they can tell the difference if you acting or not." I flinch and turn back to see Kagami and a naked man?

   "Wait a minute, is he what I think is he?" I ask.

   "Yup, Sonic or something his name is. You name Sonic right?" Kagami asks at him. He only nods... acts like a dog...

Loyal puppy symptoms.

   "You just create another one in this middle of weather?" Kagami shrugs it off.

This guy is dangerous. It shocking that guy is my half self.

   "I can teach you to create one...if you are tired of that bald guy. After all, you already manage to control the yandere storm girl's heart."

    "Don't you dare manipulate me mom next generation." I spit my words which Kagami only laughs at.

Mom what have you done to my precious naive brother?

Back to Saitama P.O.V

I arrived at the scene where I saw that monster try to attack Mumen Rider. I hurriedly catch Mumen rider and put him down at the safe place.

   "You did fine. Nice fight." Nice give me time to find a Y/N rapist.

I look at my side to see Genos lied on the ground with his broken body. It looks painful.

   "H-Hey, Genos! Are you still alive?!" I worriedly ask.

   "Mas...ter..." He responds weakly. I sigh deeply, not just harm Y/N it too injured the one who always cleans my house.

   "Hang on for a second. I've gonna pound this Seafreak or whatever it's called." After I say it that thing moves fast behind my back and punches my head which gives nothing effect on me.

I turn my head to see that freaking thing.

   "Impressive. You're still on your feet after one of my punches. Clearly, you're different from the rest of this trash." That monster bluffing. It's not like I care.

   "Hey, before that let me ask a question." It looks at me waiting for me to speak. "Have you touch a guy with pink hair color and blue eyes?"

   "Ah, there's is one I found while I walk here. He's pretty cute so I think to take him as my bride after I kill all of you." It arrogant say.

I already hear his answer and it not the pleasant one. Alright, he still speaks which I don't care until I say, it ready to punches me again but I do first killed it on the spot. with this, I manage to get revenge for Y/N.


I saw everything behind the crowds. Expected from the strongest one. That's means I will get the payment.

   "You kinda happy, it does not like you the one who killed it." Kagami looking at me confused.

   "Oh Kagami, to make you understand I have renewed my contract with the boss that said 'I will get the payment if I killed the target or Saitama killed for me.' I even make Saitama sign it in front of me and boss."

   "Wait wait how that supposed to mean? I mean boss just let it go?" Kagami not believing my words.

   "The truth is I complain at Saitama which the next day he comes to the boss office and declares it that he will kill for my payment. It was so chaotic that time but that what's happening." Kagami sighs and gives up asking more. 

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