
613 14 2

I take to much time for this chapter. (\ >v< /)

A sunny day as always.

Everyone continue their lives as usual. Genos just come back from buy groceries. Suddenly, a monster appeared at one of the shops.

  "Hahahahahah, I'm Leo the lion monster! I will kill all of you!"

That's what a monster said. Everyone stops what they are doing and run as fast as they can to leave the area. Unfortunately, the owner of the shop and his family fail to escape when the monster stops their movement.

  "Please, at least have mercy to my family. My son is still young and my wife is pregnant." The owner begging to the monster.

The monster only laughs and grabbed the owner's sons forcefully. The sons yell loudly when the monster nail enters his skin.

  "Oh no, please no!" The owner said.

  "Why I must care about your family safety. I just love hearing hopeless creatures screaming begging me to stop." The monster pushes his nail more deep into the owner's son's skin. Blood comes out fast as the poor child scream in pain.

   'This situation becomes more serious. I need to act fast.' Genos said in his mind.

After Genos put his grocery bag at the safety safe, Genos walks at the crime place when suddenly his phone buzzing.

  "Hello?" Genos pick the unknown number call.

  "Yo, Android boy." He hears Kagami's voice on the phone.

  "Kagami? How you get my num-" Genos ask confused when Kagami cut his word.

  "Can you walk 5 steps from behind. You on my way boy." Without a question Genos step back.

Genos open his mouth to ask where suddenly he saw the monster has dead been shot.

  "Thanks for obey boy. You made my job easier." Kagami says while Genos try to recall what just happened.

   "Where actually are you Kagami?"

   "Far from you. Come grab me boy." Kagami says and ends the call. Genos sigh, grab his grocery bag, and fly searching where Kagami hiding.


It's been an hour, Genos finally found Kagami sleep in the old building while hugging his sniper rifle.

  "What took you so long?" Kagami says while rubbing his tired eyes.

Genos apologized to Kagami for arrived late but inside his mind is:


Meanwhile, Kagami feels like he can understand what Genos thinking but he stays silent.

  "Why you here in the first place Kagami?"

  "I doing my job," Kagami says while putting his sniper in the guitar bag.

  "Job? You mean just then you the one who shot the monster?"

  "Yup, now hurry up and carry me Android boy." Without question Genos pick Kagami in bridal style.

  "I want a piggyback ride," Kagami says making the embarrass Genos carried Kagami from his back and out of the building.

  "Can I ask you a question Kagami?" 

  "I give permission when we go eat something now go straight." Kagami says while pointing to the direction. 

Genos follow the Kagami finger direction.

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