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Tatsumaki X Y/N

My weakness is...:

   "Let's break up." Tatsumaki tense up after hearing the Y/N words.

   "W-why?" She says it while holding her tears.

This relationship is very important for Tatsumaki. He is the first man that manages to open her heart. Because of that, she tried her best to protect, making sure it will stay for the rest of her life.

But, Y/N asked to end it. Did she make a mistake? Where or when it happens?

She holding Y/N's hand clothes tightly.

   "I-I promise I will be a good girl. I will stop annoying you, I will quit being a hero for you, I can change my attitude too, I can do whatever you want!

   So, please...please don't leave me."

She burst into tears, hoping it was a dream.

Y/N holding himself. He feels pain seeing her like this. 

   "Tatsumaki please." She shook her head ignore and begging in tears.

Tatsumaki that he knows is a cute tsundere, a squeezing pillow, the Loli obsessed girl, the one who manages open his heart.

But keeping her would be a problem. His job is dangerous than the hero, he has to face disgusting human and monster beings every day.

He often is a threat by the enemy about his private life.

Tatsumaki is strong he knows it. Not after that Tornado has been attacked and injured badly. That when he has to make a conclusion.

   "Tatsumaki, hey look at me, babe." Y/N lift her head to look at her eyes.

Tatsumaki's face is messed up. Her eyes red for crying, snort running down at her nose, and dark red face because embarrassed and sad.

He will not see this anymore after break up.

   " Is not your fault you know that. Is me who has a problem." Y/N wipe her tears using his cloth. "That's is why to stop blaming yourself."

   "Then give me a reason why you want to end it, dummy."

Y/N looks around thinking the best reasons, as long as it will not damage her.

   "I-I just not think our relationship will go well. You know why don't play dumb babe." Y/N stare at her confused face.

Tatsumaki thinks harder and harder at his words. Does she know why he wants to break up? But which one? For Tatsumaki this is too hard than fighting a monster.

Y/N can easily read it by watching her reactions. How can she don't know it he thought.

   "Because I push you to eat natto that you hate it?"


   "Because I say you cheating on me even though you actually sleeping at night?"


   "Because I stalked all your media social to know what you doing?"


   "Could it because I break your home and watching you sleep every night?"

   "No-wait what?"

   "Nothing." Tatsumaki closes her mouth with her hands. She almost reveals all of her secrets.

Y/N goosebumps. No wonder he feels someone stare at him to sleep at night.

   "Well, I will honest before I hear your other creepy activities life." Tatsumaki nods. "It's because our job will become heavy each day and who knows when someone gonna ask me to assassinate you."

   "That's... it?" Tatsumaki tilted her head.

   "I know it you will say that that's why I just want to end it without you think it's ridiculous."

He's right. It was so ridiculous just for ending it. But, he's right. Any time they will fight each other and she doesn't want to kill her precious love.

After think far, Tatsumaki finally agrees even it's not her will to do it.

And then they separate to their destination.

~2 weeks later~

It was hell for Y/N.

Tatsumaki stalked him almost every day, 24 hours non stop. Every. Single. His. Step.

Y/N no longer feels safe. Tatsumaki always around him making it hard for him to continue his job.


It's been 4 months, he needs to do something before he losing his mind. Y/N pulls out his phone and contacts someone from his contact list.

His phone ringing until he hears the person from the other side pick up.

   "What kind of problem you have now?" It was Kagami's voice.

   "I really need your help An-chan." Y/N says desperately.

   "Come here and talk." That what Kagami says before end up the call.

Y/N arrives at the Kagami apartment house. He rings the bell waiting for his brother to open up which does not take a long time.

   "I'm all ears." 

   "An-chan... I have a little problem with Tatsumaki." Y/N said with worries.

   "I thought you and her already broke up?" 

   "Yup we are and I got a letter from her after that." Y/N takes a letter from his pocket and gives it to Kagami. In that letter was written 'Let's make a baby' in red color.

Kagami stares at the letter for quite a long time.

   "So, you want it to looks like a suicide or an accident?" Kagami says without feeling. He knows this gonna be happening.

   "Wha-what?!" Y/N shock hearing Kagami conclusion. "I don't want to kill her, I ask for advice on how I should do to end this."

   "What's your reason to break up with her?"

   "I tol-told you it because I don't want to kill h-"

   "Honest with me Y/N." Kagami runs out of patience and grabs Y/N head to connect his forehead with him. "She finally annoying you right?"

Y/N nods shortly while playing his own finger.

   "I try...but. You know I don't like hurting the person I care including their heart." Y/N mumbling quietly but still hear by Kagami.

As an older brother he needs to keep straight and protect the younger but for Kagami's situation the role swap up. This is the time he will get to act like one and make Y/N proud.

   "You want my help?" Y/N nod.

   "If so let me do what I want and you better not interfere." Y/N hesitate.

   "I promise not to harm her." Y/N nods understand.

Kagami plan is:

1. Hired Amanda watching Tatsumaki movement.✔

2. Y/N moves out to the apartment in the city Z.✔

3. Asking help from hero organizations to distract Tatsumaki with work.✔

4. Close all Y/N social media accounts.✔

5. Make fake clues about Y/N locations.✔

A month after that Y/N suffering day end. Y/N pay Kagami by pampering him.

For Tatsumaki, this is not the end for her to searching Y/N.

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