Pay to be stronger

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-I can't catch my true title. *laugh nervously*-


   Y/N walk in his neighborhood, searching for Saitama that still not come back from shopping. "Where is he? I just ask him to buy something easily so why he still not back. I hope no monster found you yet because why? It's made me get annoyed when saw my 'hero' get bullied." For a long time, Y/N walk in the street still Saitama not to be seen. Y/N  walk to the market they saw after the fight with a giant naked person.


   Saitama I hope you still not far. I too tired today but I promise to cook our dinner and then I can get to sleep on my bed after that. I too much complain this day. Because tired and want to sleep? or because he shows that face again? the face that says why he can't feel any emotion anymore. How would I know about it? I also emotionless and have the same fate as you. But you stronger than me and bald...I also want to know the answer. 

   Before I arrive at the market a group of men tries to harass a girl that wears like a red riding hood and has a basket with her. Today is not my luck huh? I will not help this time because I too tired to play this emotion game now. I just need to find Saitama and sleep. How long the last time I sleep actually.......don't remember.

   "Hey, mister can you please help me?!" the girl yells make me snap back into reality. "Yes, you the young man that stands there." oh man she saw me. I shouldn't let my guard down. "Please don't go. I can pay how much that you want so just please help me get out of this problem!" Pay huh? Why not. When I look towards her, I finally realize who I talk to. I walk to the group, I can see all of them except the girl look at me with confusion. "You say how much I want to get pay right?" I say at the girl. "Of course how much you want. Are we have a deal?" she looks at me with her 'innocent face' but I sure can see her smirk at me. "Hey! you give money to him but not us?! Are you making fun of us?!" one of the men shouts, I think he the leader of the group. The 'leader' try threatening me with his small knife and his man also show their weapon.

   I too tired with this childish thought. Just look at them I pretty show they are an idiot people, bullied any person that walks in this street. "You better back off and run like a chicken man and leave this chicks with us alone. I don't want to hurt your handsome face," he says again to make his friends laugh about what he just say. Without any warning, I pull out the sword that I have hidden in my back and make it go almost to the 'leader' neck. My sharp metal weapon makes a little blood came out from his neck. His friends look at me with terrified. "The one who should back off is you. You better go if you still want to see it tomorrow. I don't have time with your child play." I said with my cold tone but still, you can feel how much I mean my every word.

   Realize that I serious the 'leader' immediately run with his friends, going in the darkness. "And you can cut off your 'innocent act' Amanda, now pay me," I said at the girl that looks me with amused. "Like always you will never disappoint me Y/N. Also, it's not like I forget to pay right?" she smiles wide at me while showing me the basket that she bought. "Want to see what I get for you this time?" "Yeah show me," I said waiting she open it. "It's hard to get this gun you know." she showing me a gun QSZ-92 and a gun-type FN 57. Finally, the gun I waiting has arrived. It is like a party in my mind because I'm too happy. "Y/N you can stop staring at it now~I will put it  on your desk so you can use it tomorrow." I look at her. "You are the best source of weapons that anyone can have Amanda," I said and thumb up at her. "I will take that as a thank you. I should go now, see you tomorrow afternoon." she walks away then stop "Ah! you know what I can't believe you say be professional Assasin is kinda boring." she then left me with happy. 

   Now I not too stressful after seeing Amanda that manages to get me the gun I waiting for too long. The ridding red hood she wore....must just finish her work. If you want to know readers in my job place, we also wear like a hero and a villain but you can choose to wear a costume or not. My cloth is similar to the picture of this story. (hey! who gives permission to break four walls!) Anyway, I found Saitama with a car monster that points its finger at Saitama. Ok, the stress comes again and I know how to handle my anger this time. "If you're thinking of getting in my way, I'll put a shine on that big headlight of yours!" the car monster said then I activate my assassin mode and cut the monster into pieces from the back with my sword. "I think why took you so long. So, I go looking for you. Do you buy the egg?" "Yeah here," said Saitama gives me broken eggs. "Guess we have eggs over rice tonight," I say and we go home.


   Finally on the bed. Man, I'm so tired but I just look at ceiling think about that question again. Saitama must think the same, better not disturb him. I know the answer since the beginning but I still can't say if it is true. If you want to be stronger in exchange you will lose your human being side and we are the answer to that question. When I was a kid I think an assassin is awesome so, I want to become like that. In the end, I become too addicted to it until I became a professional assassin. Sometimes I ask something besides money as payment until also became a habit. I mean my job more like a hobby to me. I never have an idol and Saitama is the first one I think as a hero. When I realize my hero is my neighbor, I think this like a fate between us and I always be him until now. I then not realize I fell asleep peacefully on my bed.

   In the morning I open my eyes after hearing a noise from outside. "What time now...It's morning! I sigh and came out from my house too see Saitama down there in the street. 'Man why you have to fired up this early morning suddenly.' I said in my mind  while enter my house continue my sleeping before noon arrives.


-ep1 end-

-I show the picture of Y/N's gun in the next chapter-

-I'm crazy!   (Y/N: hatsu21 please go to sleep. You became crazy if not sleep well.)-

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