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Saitama   X   Y/N

Saitama p.o.v

   "Ergh...my head. What I eat yesterday." I woke up with headaches attack me. How in the hell  I get this pain. Why I feel cold? I open my blanket and guess what? I'm naked yeah naked. WHY WHAT AND HOW AM I'M NAKED!



  "Hey, guys." Y/N come to my house like always. "Welcome home Y/N." Said Genos come out from my kitchen. "Yo, what's with that bottle?" I point a wine bottle at his right hand.

   "Oh, my last client for today give it to me. Even though I not the type of person who drinks alcohol, I can't say no for a gift. It will be rude." He said while walk and put a wine bottle on the table.

    "So, I bought it here." Y/N said. Genos comes out with the food for our dinner and two wine glass.

     "Anyway nice apron kiddo." Y/N looks at Genos wearing a pink apron.
"Thank you, Y/N." Genos becomes red. It looks like I, not the only one who falls in love with Y/N.
But he also my rival now.

~End Flashback~

I remember about last night. The wine must too strong for me until I get this annoying headache. Still, I can't tell why I'm naked!

    Suddenly, I feel something moved beside me. I look at my right and grab the blanket slowly to see....Y/N!!

     "Emmm....cold." Y/N mumble in his sleep. H-he sleep close to me and wh-why he half-naked?! Where are his pants?! OMG OMG what in the world we have done actually!!!!!!

       My door open to see Genos came back from buy groceries.

       He looks at me. I look at him. I can't move because I don't want to wake up Y/N from his beauty sleep.

      "Ah, master you wake up good morning." "Mo-morning." He then walks to the kitchen to put groceries.

      "Hey, Genos can I ask you a question?" I slowly say to him. "Yes, what it is master?" I take a breath and ask him what happen last night. "...Ah, that night...you...kinda..." he stops for a moment. "I-I kin-kinda wh-what?" I'm becoming more nervous. "Wild perhaps?" Huh? Wild? What he means by wild?!

        "Umm, Saitama...stop it...You hurting me." Y/N mumble and struggle a little in his sleep. I froze after hear that.

        I look at Genos begins the walk to the door. "G-Genos where are you going?" Genos turn his head. "Buy 'groceries' master." "But you just buy it." He silent "I forget to buy this thing. How clumsy I am. Please forgive me about how clumsy I am master." I pretty sure he just lied about it.

       "I have to go or it will be sold out." He opens the door and gets out but before he almost closes the door he says something that makes me shiver. "You shouldn't do that master." And close it.

      He knows what happen last night. I must do something stupid before pass out. Arrgghh!!!!! What I do last night???!!!!

      "Saitama?" I tense when I hear him call my name. I look at him rubbing his eyes with his hand. Oh god, he looks like a cat when doing that.

       "Heyyyyy, you wake up." Be normal Saitama! "Yeah, *yawn* morning Saitama." Y/N stretching his body and look at me with his cute sleepy face. Please stop be too cute!

       Y/N stare to my eyes with his sleepy eyes. Did he want to say something at me or his brain still loading? Longer he stares at me make my bone-shaking frightened.

       "Do you remember what you do last night?" He asks me. I sweat more and more. "I-I rem-remember y-you bo-bought wine right?" He nods about what I say, 'ok calm down calms down' I say it in my mind.

         "Saitama." "Ye-yes?" He looks at me with half-dead eyes. "Do you have to rip my pants? I lucky to save my boxer at that time." Immediately I bow in front of him. "I'M SORRY. PLEASE FORGIVE ME!!" He looks at the kitchen "I feel cold all night you know that."

           "Where kiddo?" "Groceries." He wakes up and walks to the kitchen. I almost forget he always wears big cloth. Thanks to that it protects his boxer I think. He looks so sexy actu- ahhh what I think like that!!!

           "Next time I must think twice to take something 'liquor' to take home. I'm so tired to handle it." He came out with a glass of water in his hand. "I will responsible for what I have done to you!!!" I said feeling guilty.

          "Oh yeah, it reminds me of my back. It hurts so much...that time." He continues again not to hear what I say. "I-I never thought I do something like that but I want to tell you Y/N that I lov-"

           "I hit you with that bottle!" Y/N claps his hand. "Wait...what?" I look at him confused. "A wain bottle, you don't remember?" "Uh...." he sighs and sits in front of me to begin the story about what happened last night.


3rd p.o.v

           "It's been so long I don't drink." Genos looks at Y/N "It is good?" Y/N looks at Genos before staring at the wine glass in his hand. "Nah, too strong. You get too dizzy easily even you good with liquor. Don't drink this kiddo." Y/N warned Genos because it is not good for Genos's body that made with metal. Y/N looks at Saitama that has been silenced all the time. Saitama rests his head on the table, just stares at them. "Master are you ok?" Genos asks worried at Saitama. Y/N looks at Saitama's glass wine that empties on the floor. "Saitama you drunk. Maybe this wine not suit for you." Y/N said still looking at the glass wine.

           Saitama stands up and then takes off all his cloth in front of Y/N and Genos. "M-master?" Genos totally shock his master naked suddenly. Y/N sigh and stand up "Hey, I think dinner is over. Let's sleep ok Saitama?" Y/N has to says calmly at Saitama. He looks at Genos and smiles awkwardly "I have experience with the drunk people and most of them...hard to handle." Genos understand and help Y/N to calm down his master.

           Saitama stands there just hear they planned something but not even care what it was. He begins scan Y/N body especially his bottom. Saitama approached Y/N that still planned to make sure Saitama go to sleep. He bent down and grab Y/N's pants make Y/N fall down from the attack. "Saitama...w-what are you doing?" Saitama just ignores the Y/N question and rip Y/N's pant roughly. 

            Y/N not shock about the attack but piss off of his idiot friend. With anger control him he grabs the bottle wine and hit Saitama's head hardly makes Saitama falls not waking up. Genos's jaws drop scared fills in his body. Y/N stands up and throws the broken wine bottle at the corner of the floor. "Don't worry he still alive. As I said, I know how to 'handle' drunk people." Y/N turn his head at Genos "That's for ripped my pants."

             After Y/N calm down both of them start cleaning the house. Prepare Futon and put Saitama on it. Genos then go to sleep leaving Y/N with Saitama until he also falls asleep beside him.

~End Flashback~

              "Woah I-I-" Saitama try to say but nothing came out in his mouth. "I not mad just piss off with your action. That reminds me of the last lime I take liquor." Y/N looks away feel guilty at Saitama. "Sorry, you have to remember bad things." Saitama scratches his neck feels guilty to forget about what Y/N hates so much when taking any alcohol thing. "Nah, we're all the same. That's the meaning of friend after all."

                 Y/N shows his fist towards Saitama. "Idiot friend assemble?" Saitama's fist touch at Y/N fist. "Idiot friend assemble." Then they laugh together.

                 Meanwhile, Genos just stand outside the house looking at the blue beautiful sky. "What should I do? I can't stop thinking that Y/N being mad is so sexy!"


-Not involve any dirty things, my readers-

-If you want it to. Vote of this couple to be the ending of my story.-

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