Brain Excercise Time!

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Hyea, it's me hatsu21. I wnat to say tknahs for raed my book and srory not wirte anthiyng. I hvae tset tihs etinre week and adaerly fsinih it. I get mroe 800 redaers and 34 vtoes. Tknahs, I tatolly ataicerppe you gyus raed tihs sroty. (>///<)

Here the gun I promise to show:

                                                             FN 57 

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                                                             FN 57 


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I jsut fnuod it on the ienretnt and tnihk it msut siut wtih Y/N. 

I wlil cunitnoe my sroty now. Saty tenud~~


-If you can understand what I write, congratulation your brain has been exercise-

-I just write this just to entertain you guys- 

-If guys want to know what I say just comment. LOL-

MR.Badass Assasin(One Punch Man X Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now