Assassin S class

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~At the Assassin Association HQ~

 "I hope one of you can go to the Hero Association HQ at City A to get some information from there. I 'really' hope our Assassin from S class can take this mission.

                                                                                                         -From your Assassin Association HQ Boss-

~PS: I can't go for personal problems so don't you dare to insult me."

      "That's what it says so who wants to take this mission?" Wolf asking all Assassin S class member after reading it from their big boss letter.

The Assassin S class has 7 members including Y/N, Amanda, Wolf, and Kagami. It also being called as the 7 deadly sins for their professionals skill in killing their target.

   "I can't go. I need to prepare for my wedding day." Amanda declines the offer while rubbing Y/N hair gently like a mother. "Wolf can't go 'cause I need him to prepare for our wedding."

Wolf nods agree with Amanda.

   "I need to watch my daughter performance today so nope," Alex says and walks out to his daughter school.

   "Well, darling so am I. Shopping mall have a hot sale today and I not gonna waste that time, see you later~" Victoria wave before walks to the shopping mall.

   "I want to finish my game so much. Forgive me!" Yoko runs out from the building to her house in an 'anime way'.

Everyone walks away as fast as lightning without a look behind. Leaving Y/N alone in the room. Y/N realizes nobody in the room anymore.

With a sigh he get up and walks in the corridor to another floor.

~Y/N P.O.V~

I really hate this. Why we need to go that far city if they can just send an email or something like that.

While I on my own world, I finally arrive at my destination.

The Assassin class A section.

Why am I here? Heh...

   "Hey hey~ my junior." After I open my mouth everyone in that section froze. Some of them sweating and some of them shakenly in fear. 

Last time, they have done something that different from they own mission which giving us the assassin class S has to solve 'this' annoying problem. They in our debt now and this is the time they need to pay it.

   "Wh-what can we h-help you, Mr. Badass Assassin." said one of the assassin class A. I don't remember most of the name because it's not my concern to thinking about it.

   "I will straight to the point. Where is Sora? I need him now." I press that now word deeply.

Suddenly, my eyes have been locked at one of the tables. I can definitely see a pair of the wing under the table, hidding from me. I, been myself that doesn't really care about someone feeling walks at my target slowly and quiet making sure they don't feel my presence.

When I stop in front of that table, I can hear someone mumble say 'please don't let him saw me' over and over. Without warning, I jump under the table like a hungry beast to find out he scream with no sound comes out. I don't know how he does that but it surely fascinating.

   "Earth to Sora, hello." I snap my finger in front of him who still stunned.

I mean I like to bully them. A lot.

   "Listen up birdy boy, I don't have time to play around. Whether you help me or be my dinner you choose." I say playfully but with serious tone.

After hearing that he immediately wake up and bow 180 degrees at me. I finally can see his bird face with the human body. 

   "What can I do for you, Mr. Badass Assassin!" I forget how loud his voice is.

   "Follow me." I walk out with him behind me.

When we outside of the building I spoke up. I ask him to fly me to the Hero Association HQ. He takes a long while but in the end, he just accepts it. Well, after I threatened him of course. 

Just to make sure you know, this Sora has a wing that can make him fly fast to his destination. That's why I need him right now.

There's. is. no. way. I. would. walk. to. that. place.

   "Make me fall, you have a serius problem with me especially my brother." Sora nods understand my words and fly to city A.

~(10 minutes later)~

We arrived at the top of the Hero Association HQ building. I thank Sora and free him from me which he gladly accepts. 

I walking inside the building to meet this information man until I hear a voice of Saitama.

I take a peek to see Saitama and Genos talk with a green hair loli girl...

Loli girl...

Loli- Ta-Tatsumaki!

The hell this happening. what a wrong time and place to meet them here.

   "I better leave before they find me."

Not after I say that, I feel a hand holding my shoulder. I look back slowly and see Genos.

   "Y/N, why are you here?" He say confusedly.

   "Y/N? My my is really you." Tatsumaki popped out behind him.

Oh, boy.

   "H-hey, it's been so long since our last meet, Tatsumaki." I gained my courage to say.

She smile widely and hugged me immediately. I mean really tightly hug 'cause I can't breathe easily.

Saitama and Genos look in shocked while I out of my breathe.

Genos finally realize my situation and drag her by pulled her clothes.

   "What do you think you doing?!" Genos angrily says.

Suddenly, I feel pressured become heavy and saw dust around us floating.

   "Wait Genos go away from her!" It was too late when Genos is no longer at our side. "She is telekinesis person..."

Genos have been throwing to the wall. Thank goodness Saitama not to join him too.

   "Hmp! How dare you lowly hero interfere my conversation with my husband!" Tatsumaki yelled at them.

   "Hu-husband?" Saitama mumble. "You actually been married Y/N?!"

   "Honestly, I'm her ex- boyfriend and I'm not going that far to say of our past relationships, Tatsumaki." I glare at her.

She squeezing around my waist and look at me with her puppy eyes.

   "But... We once thinking to do it before~" She whined.

   "Doesn't mean you can say it bluntly idiot." I chop her head making her flinch in pain.

Today is totally my unlucky day huh?

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