Last Chapter (Part 3)

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  ~Ivy P.O.V~

While the other heroes fight the big alien, I chased the head one. 

   "I will not let you go," I said while grabbing its head. 

I think it was mad because it bites me really hard. I let it go while grabbing my hands.

   "This disgusting creature!" It was mad and tried to attack me but that never happen. When I open my eyes the head it's been destroyed by a man with a bat.

   "You ok miss?" He asks me. I nod and he is glad.

   "Ivy!" Cherry Bomb ran at me at full speed. She looks at my hand. "Are you hurt?"

I nod and told her the alien bite my hand.  Cherry Bomb is mad and comforts me at the same time. Her hug is so warm.

   "Sorry to disturb you ladies but you need to go out of here. That alien generates in high speed." The man warned us that's when I saw something shining.

 There was a shining ball-like marble before it completely regenerates. The man continued to attack it until it got destroyed again, that's when I saw the opportunity. I whisper at Cherry Bomb's ear saying that she needs to grab the marble at the alien head before it generates. She understands and runs to the head, grabbing the marble before it regenerates together.

   "I got it!" She shouted.

   "The hell is this?" The man questioned while looking at it.

I saw the alien head look shocked when it saw the marble. Now I understand why there was marble inside its head.

   "Give it back!" the alien head screamed, I and Cherry Bomb chance glanced at each other knowing what exactly happens.

   "I will not forgive anyone who dares bite my Ivy's hand." After saying that Cherry Bomb crushed the marble into tiny pieces. Once the marble was destroyed the alien head melted and died.

   "Damn. That's nasty, ya nasty bastard! You dead?" The man was shocked. After gaining the information he hurried to tell the other hero how to kill the alien. Too bad for us.

   "I should do it when he's not around, now we will never win against senior Y/N again." Cherry Bomb pouted.

   "A few minutes ago, did you just say my Ivy when crushed the marble?" Hear that Cherry Bomb blush and hide her face again. Hihi Cherry Bomb blushing is so cute. While teasing Cherry Bomb I forget the man still there watching us.

~Y/N P.O.V~

There was an alien voice warning us to leave. It was full of threats.

   "That's weird," Saitama said. "I hear a voice right inside my head."

   "Same here." What kind of devices do the aliens use?

There alien speak again with another threat and Saitama replied that we don't know the way out. The alien voice sounds relieved and tells the way out but Saitama takes it a different way. The alien voice is trembling with panic. So, it really gives the right route.

Saitama runs so fast that he crushed the door again. It looks like we arrived at the control room. The tentacle alien climb to where we are in anger. That doesn't look good. The tentacle alien attack us but none of us got injured by the attack.

   "Wait, did he say telekinetic those psychic people?" So it attacks us using those tactics. It looks happy to use against us but my body is just built differently. I am anti to that kind of power.

   "Sorry, but your power is useless so...bye?" I pull out my gun and shoot s to its head. For an alien, it surely has a soft head. "Alright next!"


We got information from the alien survivor about where the boss is. I already have enough points and this battle is made for only Saitama, being near him while fight can be difficult for him. 

   "Saitama, I leave the rest for you. Punch it to the end." I cheered him. Saitama waves his hand to the boss room knowing his time is finally shining.

~Time skip Y/N landed safely to the earth and save a few survival on his way to the safety zone~

   "Senior Y/N you are finally here!" Cherry Bomb hugs me together with Poison Ivy.

   "You here, does that mean we complete the mission?" Poison Ivy asks.

   "Of course. Why your hand bandage Poison Ivy?" I point at her hands.

She explains everything she can remember from getting bitten by an alien to accidentally helping the heroes win it.

   "If I think straight I must already get a lot of points." I pat Cherry Bomb's head to cheer her up and saw my lady together with Mr. Zoey walking toward us.

   "Splendid job my precious assassin, you make me proud." My lady says in a happy tone. 

   "Just like I thought I can count on an assassin to complete the job." Mr. Zoey shake my hand as a thank you.

All of us can see the ship is falling to the earth and that's enough to say we have already won this battle. I, Cherry Bomb, and Poison Ivy get our payment and bonus for saving a survival. My lady is so please with my excellent job even though Saitama helps most of the time. Well, she didn't even care who save who, as long as our image rise is enough for her.

She did not forget to grant my wish to have the highest point on the last mission.


   "And you choose the beach for 3 days?" Kagami asked me while drinking his watermelon juice.

   "Correction, a private beach for 3 days. I need my rest time and the sound of waves is always calming me." I drink my apple juice.

Kagami looked at me then look at them and look at me again. I can tell what he wants to say. We are not the only ones here, I bought everyone that I'm close to having fun at the beach. 

   "I understand Saitama and Genos, also don't mind with Poison Ivy and Cherry Bomb come here but why 'she' here again?!" Kagami point at Tastsumaki who playing sandcastle with the girls. 

   "I and Tatsumaki decided to become friends..." Kagami stared in disbelief. "She said she never goes to the beach and you know me, I can't say no with those sad eyes."

Kagami mumbling something but I can't hear it. 

   "Fine, this your wish not mind. I should feel grateful that you asked me too after selling you to our boss." He apologized to me. Kagami finished his drink and bullied Tatsumaki on his way to the Saitama and Genos.

Of course, Tatsumaki is mad and chases him while being held by the girls.

   "Tatsumaki-chan stop it. You gonna destroy the beach!" Poison Ivy said.

   "Ivy hold her tight!" Cherry Bomb smiled.

   "Oi Genos how the view under the sea?" Saitama is curious.

   "It's pretty sensei," Genos said who become a submarine.

   "If you destroy the beach, Y/N will be mad at you, watermelon girl." Kagami laughed while dodging Tatsumaki's attack.

   "Who starts it first you creepy sloth!" Tatsumaki yelled while using her power at Kagami.

Who now I will friend with chaotic people but is more fun like this, right? Let's wish nothing bad happens in those 3 days.


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