Greeting cyboy

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Y/N has been waking up by Amanda but he tries to ignore her. Amanda shaking him more roughly this time. Y/N loses the fight.

  "I want to sleep for 5 more minutes." Y/N whining at her. Amanda just crossed her hand and act like a mother's role at him. "Stop being lazy cat Y/N. After all, you just hurt your back and I don't like it."

   "But but-." Amanda cut him "And the pain makes you get annoyed. I don't want your 'rampage' attack people in this office or any place in this building again." Y/N sometimes can't control his stress or anger and suddenly destroy almost half the building (his workplace). It was the 3 times in this month Y/N do it and Amanda can't take it anymore.

   "How about go home and rest. After all, you have finished 5 mission with success." Said Amanda try her best to make Y/N go home. "Actually you right Amanda. The big boss can't mad at me if I go home early." Y/N stands up from his chair, warm up a little bit and wave at his big boss that looking at him in the office before getting out.

   "Finally MR. Badass Assassin has gone!" Said all the workers cheer happily. "You guys know he still here right?" Amanda looks at all the workers that now realize. "See you, tomorrow guys ~, " said Y/N with his dark aura become more increased. "WE DOOMED!" Everyone said unison.

Y/N p.o.v

   "It's quite chill today. Where's everyone actually?" I wander around to see if any living thing shows up but negative. Then my phone got a vibrating signal a message comes. I pull it out to see my big brother the one who message me.

Y/N I hear there's a group of mosquitoes head to your place.

Be careful...

                 That explains why it so quiet here. Thanks for say An-chan.

I hear it brutal. They suck any living thing blood until dead.

Should I go to your place?

                       Nah, it's ok. I don't want to burden you.    

It's not a burden! It's part of my job to protect my only little brother.

Y/N? You still there?


   I did not answer my brother's message because I look something in front of me. A man...and a group of mosquitoes...' eat' that man...and flying leaving from there.

   If I have an expression on my face it maybe shows fear or shock-like any normal human being. But what my mind and heart say is annoying. Why? BECAUSE I HATE MOSQUITOES! They are my biggest enemies! Always drink my blood when I want to sleep especially in summer!

   I search for a group of mosquitoes everywhere but nothing. I sigh and start to go home when a big group of mosquitoes shows up. They did not attack, just fly in one direction. Whatever it is, not good for me.

  I arrive at the place where all the mosquitoes gather together. Man, it's huge! When you look carefully it's like they are around by something. What the hell is happening here? "Get back here, dammit! You and I aren't done yet!" I know that voice. I look Saitama running chase a tiny mosquito with poison sprayer? How can this man is too brave to shows up? I totally amazed by you. I look at a different place to see a cyborg boy it becomes interesting.

  Suddenly big ball mosquitoes fall down to the city but the cyborg managed to explode it. I think I just see the city been burning for a second. I was lucky I have time to protect myself from that 'hell' but not for Saitama because...

He's naked. Totally naked.

  Ignore him for a moment I need to concentrate on this battle. Finally, a big mosquito or I call Queen Mosquitoes shows up. Looks like it can become epic now. She shows her power which I impress for it. Her face like any crazy people can have and without warning attack at the cyborg fasts like a lightning beating him brutally. If this continues he will die. It looks like I have no choice but to interrupt this fight.

I wait for a moment...






    I jump from building to another building, pull out my samurai sword, grab the cyborg and cut both hands and legs Queen Mosquitoes. Easy peasy like always.

Geno p.o.v

    I let my guard down. There's no chance of winning. All I can do is self-destruct. Before I can do that something grabs me. This feels like someone, I open my eyes to see a pink hair male holding me in bridal style. His blue eyes look at me with the calmest smile "Greetings Cyboy. Sorry, interfere with your battle but I can't just look at you that almost dying there." he said and why my face feels hot?! Am I blushing right now?!

   He put me down gently and look at the monster that still shocks what just happen to her. I can see both of her hands and legs gone. "How dare you?!" she said furiously. "How dare me?" he said teasing her make her getting more mad and started flying towards us at full speed. He immediately throws a small ball at her and begins a light brightness, blind her sight for a moment. From nowhere a naked bald man comes and slap her, die just like that. My jaw dropped about what just happened. "You came at the right time Saitama." he said to the naked bald male while smirking. "Ah,!" "They really are...and I can sleep without that thing drink my blood tonight." They just talk like this was normal. They are really REALLY strong. 

   "Hold on!" I stop them from leaving make their looks at me. "Please tell me your name!"

   "Oh. It's Saitama." said the naked bald man.

   "And I Y/N." said the blue eyes males.

   "I'd like to be your disciple. Both of your disciple." I said at them. "Oh, ok." They both say unison with an expressionless face and try to leave but Saitama stops for a moment so the Y/N. "Huh?" they look at me. 


-Finally, I finish the chapter-

-Sorry if suck-

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