Unbreakable Trio 2

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Y/N p.o.v

"Ginger biscuits, that's hurt."

I can feel it. The pain started surrounded my body after been throw up like a ragdoll by minator. Yes, a minator, that damn half human and half cow.

"Y/N stop lazy around and help me here!" Wolf yell at me while dodging every single minator attack.

"Hey, you don't know what it feels like been throw like a broken toy."

"Have you call your bald and Android friend or not?" Wolf asked with desperate.

"They need to hurry up. My future wife in danger right now."

How we in this situation in the first place?


"Thanks for letting us in Mr. Scientists," I say in a mature voice after getting yell by Amanda (she want me to look like a real professional person.)

That queen with her threatens voice.

"The pleasure is mine Mr. L/n." The way he talks really impressed me. His attitude, his clothes, his record, everything is perfect.

It means this person is hidden something.

And of course, only a villain will leave far away from the town. That's too easy to read bro...

"Let's just straight to the point. You want to kill me right?" the scientist says calmly at us.

"At least you guess it right so congratulations Mr. Labrat. I pretty sure you have a trap even just a tiny trap in this room." I looking around in this room because this is not the first time I meet crazy people like him. Only crazy people will always have a backup plan.

I can feel the atmosphere change. Amanda and Wolf also can feel it so we prepare for any attack to come.

"Mr. L/N you surely are a smart person. You know you enter the trap but just because want to kill me... it just...excited me you know."

He smirks evil at us. Yup, that's the smile. Somehow it is wrong to feel happy when you face the villain who threatened to kill you?

Maybe because I not normal... that maybe...

The floor suddenly open and three of us fell in the black hole.

"I have someone to meet now. Hope we can play together if you still alive of course."

That's the last word I hear before everything turns black.

~End Flashback~

When I just wake up we already in the dungeon. Amanda has been attacked and now she was up there while I and Wolf here dealing with this freak creature in front of us.

While Wolf gives some time, I run to minatour backs and grab his neck tightly as I can.

Because of the shock, this creature shook his body violent try to get rid of me.

This feels likes I'm in the rodeo game where I try my best to not fall from an angry cow. Not just that, it slammed his back to the wall, make my body can't handle the impact I got.

The pain at my body the weaker my grip at his neck but still I can't give up.

"Hurry up before I fainted again you paranoid Wolverine!" I yelled as loud as I can just want to make sure Wolf understand my situation.

Wolf charge in my direction. Sharp metal came out at his hand and slash it at minatour chests.

Wolf caught me before I fell on the ground.

MR.Badass Assasin(One Punch Man X Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now