Y/N the Neutral Assasin

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-I write too many "walk", "towards", "start" word....Nah don't care.-

Dark, cold, rain never stops is the worst combination to go outside. A chubby guy just crosses in the rain pass the neighborhood with terrified like he being chased by the grim reaper, sadly he in the dead-end of the street."You quiet fast for a fat guy huh?" hearing that voice he shakily turn his body to see a young man walk slowly towards him with a gun on his left hand."Pl-please spare m-my life! I can pay twice for you!" says the chubby guy begin to kneel and begging to the young man. "Sorry they already pay me to kill you and you make me wet my cloth just for chasing you in this rain. It pisses me off." The young man raises a gun towards the chubby guy with less expression on his face. "Please, I have a family!" said the chubby guy "And I don't care about it. My advice in your next life don't mess with poor people, goodbye." the young man starts shoot 3 times at a chubby guy's chest, died on the spot. "You know you can just die in a warm place than this 'place'. What a tragic end." The young man begins to walk away leaving a dead body without looking back.

         The young man arrives at the small house and sees a young boy came out to greet him. "Do-do you kill him?" says the young boy nervous. "Yes, I kill him that's what you want right?" says the young man still less expression. It becomes awkward for a moment until the young man begins to walk away "Wait, MR. Badass Assasin!" the young boy shout make the young man stop and turn his head at the young boy. "What?" "I not pay you yet." The young boy takes a little money in his pocket gives it to the young man but he just looked at the money. "I'm sorry this is what I have." said the young boy nervously."You already paid me kiddo." said the young man to the young boy. "N-no I don't give it yet." "You pay me with your mother's food besides I don't take money from a kid. You will need it one day." The young boy becomes teary up after hearing that word and wipe his tear "Thank you MR. Badass Assasin, I promise I will take care and protect my family from a selfish rich person!" "Yeah yeah, kiddo just don't just say it without do nothing. I will take my leave now say to your mom her food is delicious." The young man walked away leaving the young boy shouting thank you at him.


  " Wow, everything is destroyed.....Did I come home at the wrong time again? I just finish the mission at another town and straight to the home just to see a half city A has gone, how unlucky I am." I start walking again ignore the disaster when I hear a child crying. I saw a girl cry alone looking for her parents. 'She survives from the attack, must her parents have died what a sad life for young one.' I say in my mind and walk again try to leave a crying girl alone when suddenly I felt a weird feeling in my heart so I look at the crying girl and see a blue alien start approaching a girl. I'm tired and have to face this problem what can be worse than this, I pull out my gun and walk towards them when suddenly a strong wind comes from nowhere. I look and the girl is gone which makes a blue alien confuse. The girl has been replaced to a safe place with bald, red gloves and shoes, a yellow suit and a white cape man holding her unconscious. Wait a minute bald and yellow suit man....I know that guy! The bald guy smirk and show his 'simple face' at the blue alien "Just a guy who's a hero for fun." said the bald guy but blue alien doesn't even care what the bald guy says and begin to introduce himself. What's his name again? Van man? Vandalis man? Oh, I got it its Vaccine Man! Nah I prefer blue alien. The blue alien starts to get bigger and ugly in my opinion try to fight with a bald guy...wrong choice, the bald guy just pounding once at the blue alien. The blue alien has been killed and the bald guy looking his fist in disbelief " Not again...All it took was one punch! DAMN IT!" I laugh too much make me cry a little and walking at the bald guy "Man you are insane with that power Saitama." The bald guy looking at me "It's you Y/N. Just come back from work?" "Yup. Let's just go home I tired and want to sleep." "Yeah let's go home."

MR.Badass Assasin(One Punch Man X Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now