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-Sorry for the late-

-Try to find the quotes up there in this chapter- (;

-I'm sorry firstly because the madness scene is too short-

While these three male continues their conversation a group of monster arrived in front of the apartment.

   "We just have to capture this bald person right?" Said monster that looks like a mantis.

     "Yes. Is he here?" Said the monster that looks like a lion.

     "Of course and I also sense another two with him." Said the pink monster.

     "Well, just kill another two." Said the lion to the mantis. He then jumps to the Saitama's house, destroys it.


   Y/N and Genos sense danger are coming to their direction. Genos the one who prepares to fight immediately runs in front of the door while Y/N slowly stays away from Saitama knows something targeted his friends.

    What he thought is true. Saitama's house has been destroyed by the mantis. Saitama angrily punches the mantis, died on the spot because he destroys his home. Genos said he spots a few monsters outside and charge out but Saitama already there punch the monster.
      Y/N came out calm like nothing happening. "My God, this is full of chaos." He looks around to see the only disaster until a big cyborg goes behind him but been stop by Genos. "Nice move kiddo." Y/N praise how fast Genos came to defend him. "Thank you, sens- I mean Y/N." Genos then start to fight with a big cyborg.

      "LET ME GO!" Y/N hear a woman screaming desperately. He runs towards the voice to see a long brown hair woman wearing a pink sweater, dark blue pants and also wear lab white cloth being dragged by a male leopard. "Shut up b*****! Can you just make my job easier!" The Leopard shout angrily at her. "How can I do that?! One of 'his' experiments tries to kill me!!" Said the scientist's girl furiously.

         The Leopard can't take it anymore. He threw the scientists girl on the road. She saw the Leopard's hand grew his nail sharply. She closed her eyes tightly, ready for the impact coming.

           Y/N active his assassin mode and run like a ninja. He pulls out his samurai sword and runs in front of scientists girl to stop the attack. "What?!" The Leopard shock but he still not moved. The scientist's girl opens her eyes also wants to know what happens. Y/N pulls out his QSZ-92 type gun and shoots the Leopard. The Leopard saw and immediately move far from Y/N. "What the f*** is wrong with you?!" Said the Leopard.

      "My my, what a mean kitty are you. Use cursed word at the human, must you master not teach you some manners." Y/N said teased at the Leopard. The Leopard just growl loudly to that nasty comments. "I once a human but too I found 'him' and make me stronger and I will not let the fool like you say bad words at him!" He runs as fast as lightning towards Y/N. The Leopard managed kick Y/N abdomen and give a few scratches on the Y/N body.

          Y/N hit his back to the wall hard. He can feel the wound stings around his body, he breathes become fast than normal and cough makes a little blood came from his mouth. "That's what you get fool." The Leopard laughs at the Y/N situation. The Leopard feels something came towards him and grab it. The Leopard looks a scientist girl tries to hit him with a stick.

         The Leopard choked the scientist's girl's neck up to the air. "What's this...trying to be a hero for the fool down there. Sooooo sweet." The scientist's girl struggling to get some air but is just useless. "You should not burden everyone and just die b****!" The Leopard ready to kill her while Y/N stands up and looks at the Leopard with anger. Y/N rampage has come. "Hey, dirty cat." Y/N said success makes the Leopard turn around.

             "So you still alive fool." The Leopard say not feel Y/N deadly aura except the scientist's girl. "My mom didn't raise a fool you know, A f****ing psycho maybe, but no fool." Y/N said with anger fill in his body. "What the f*** you want to say." The Leopard let go of the scientist's girl. She immediately runs to a safe place. Y/N smiled darkly at the Leopard "There's was a reason they call me MR. Badass Assassin." The Leopard feels danger around him. "F**** off!!" The Leopard then run around Y/N more faster than before. The Leopard ready to attack but what he sees make his spine shiver frighted. He saw Y/N just smile.

          The Leopard ignored his feelings and attack Y/N from behind. Without warning Y/N grab the Leopard's hands, his smile dropped when looking directly at the Leopard's eyes. The Leopard realize now Y/N's aura is not the same anymore. Fear surrounded the Leopard and take his hand from Y/N. It was useless when Y/N don't want to let him go. "Where you want to go scaredy-cat?" Y/N's right hand grab his gun again and pointed slowly his gun at the Leopard's stomach. The Leopard struggle hard to break free but it's way too late for it.

         Y/N shoot 5 times and the Leopard fell on the road. "Still alive?" The leopard just glares at Y/N. "You know, my madness makes me become heartless and merciless. I think both of it's the same word." Y/N pointed his gun at the Leopard's head. "You sure know how to activate someone madness dirty cat." Y/N shoot straight to the head. Died.

          "So you are the top 5 Assassin in that organization. MR. Badass Assassin right?" Y/N turns around to sees the scientist's girl looking at him. "Just what I said to this cat." "That's a Leopard actually." Y/N came closer towards her. "I know what it is but I don't care about their species." Y/N scan her tried to remember where he sees this girl in front of him. "I will straight to the point, do I know you?" Y/N said curiously "This morning, I'm the one who pays you guys to stop the giant squid." "Oh! so you the pervert scientist's that let the giant squid out. Man, never thought the perverted one is a sexy woman." the scientist's girl blushes very hard after being called a pervert. "Pe-per-pervert! HOW DARE YOU SAY LIKE THAT TO A WOMAN! also call me sexy," she quietly says the last word with embarrassing. "Welp, watch porn with that pervert squid is mean pervert." "That's not true..." Y/N's face comes closer at her "So where's that giant squid learn to sexual harassment one of our workers? Do you mind to give the answer." Y/N waiting to hear the answer from the scientist's girl.

            "Anyway, I came here to hire you again." she changes the topic which means what Y/N think is true. Y/N just let it go this time. "Okay, per-" she cut Y/N words. "Please not call me a pervert MR. Badass Assasin." "Okay, girl what you want me to do?" she inhales and exhales "I want you to give this person a lesson." Y/N becoming interesting with this mission. "I know him for a long time. He's the amazing scientist and actually super old. One day he managed to make this serum that makes him young again. I heard he also create his own clone...and that leopard is one of his creations." Y/N finally know where that all monster belongs to. "And why 'him' want you to die." the scientist's girl looked down. "...because I stole his information..." she says quietly. "Oh... the payment?" she shocked with Y/N reaction. "You don't want to know why?" "Who's care. It's your choice anyway not mine but you also know what will if choice something right?" she nod. "I hear one of my friend said you take whatever payment?" "As long it benefits for me." "Then this one is good for your hire am I right." she shows something at Y/N makes him smirk at the payment he got. "It's good to make a business with you." 


-end of ep 2-

-Special chapter coming next, my readers-

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