Chapter 7: First Day of School

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Before I knew it, summer was unfortunately over and school was about to begin. This summer I knew would be one I'll never forget. There were many fun little memories mixed in with the big ones. First half of the summer was hanging out by the pool with Kierra then living with her while my parents left for Ecuador, the second half I moved in with the Swaylers and my hometown burned down. But through every day with the Swaylers, there was laughter. I went to the movies with a few of the guys about 4 times, went to the library at least once a week with Max, had a pool party almost every night, was pranked a few times... it was lots of fun. 

But now it was time to be the new girl at a high school in LA. I wondered if the classes would be hard or not, if the people were nice, if I would fit in, if people would constantly ask me if I was one of the Swaylers' girlfriends or not since that's what Chloe thought right away. Will I have classes with Chloe? I hope not, although she is the only other person at school I know, she was kind of rude. 

What if I get lost and can't find my classes? What if I'm late to class on the first day and everyone will look at me since I was the last in the door? What if people think I'm ugly? What if people don't like me? These were the thoughts I had before I had a mini anxiety attack and then fell asleep last night. 


My alarm started beeping which startled me. I jumped out of bed to turn in off, then because I got up so fast, I became light headed and fell back on the bed. "Ugh. Well Holly, today's the day," I said to Holly who was also woken up by the alarm clock. 

After I sat on my bed for a minute, I walked onto my balcony to look out over LA and the ocean taking a deep breath. I hope today will be good. I then walked into my closet to change into the outfit I picked out. It was a cute jean skirt and a cute, white, lacy off the shoulder top. I put my hair in two dutch braids as well. With it I wore my white converse. I know it's basic, but simple and sweet was my style when I had to dress cute-ish. Otherwise it's jeans, a t-shirt, and a ponytail. After washing my face, I added a little bit of mascara and lip gloss. Yeah, I'm going fancy today. Just kidding, but usually it's chapstick instead of lip gloss. 

Looking more girly than usual, I headed downstairs for breakfast. When I walked into the kitchen, all of the guys were already there surprisingly. Including Ash and Max even though they don't go to school anymore. 

"Good morning - woah," Blake said. All of the guys then turned to look at me. 

"What?" I asked. Their eyes looked me up and down and at my outfit. "Is this okay?" I was worried it was too much. 

"No, no, it's just... you look good," Ash said. I looked at him surprised then started to blush. 

"One problem though, it's too revealing. Put on some sweatpants and a sweatshirt," Jordan said. I scoffed. "Well with that outfit, people are going to look at you!"

"Oh," I said disappointed. I don't want to draw attention to myself unless it's with my friends. 

"Jordan!" Josh said then walked over to me. "He's kidding. You look perfect."

I blushed so hard now. I realized what Jordan meant was that he doesn't want any guys to look at me, and that is basically a compliment from him. 

I sat down at the counter too eating my breakfast with the guys which was scrambled eggs and a bowl of cereal. "So, I get that Max can be a morning person sometimes, but why are you up Ash?" I asked between bites.

"We wanted to walk you guys into school, after all it is your first day," Ash explained. Aww, they're so thoughtful. 


We pulled up to one of the massive buildings. It was mostly brick, and had two floors. Max pointed out to me which building was the gym, the one in between was the cafeteria, and there were classrooms all around, but mostly in the main building. Behind the gym was the football field and track. There were students everywhere getting out of their cars, greeting each other, some looked like they didn't want to come back to school, others seemed excited. 

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