Chapter 16: Jealousy and Its Consequences

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With fluffy pillows and my warm  blankets around me, I didn't think I could ever get out of bed. However I had slept in enough already that if I didn't get up now, I would just be bored. Plus my phone's across the room, so I'd have to get up sometime soon anyways. But oh I'm so comfortable. 

Despite missing my parents and hometown friends, the Swaylers and Noelle somehow made yesterday my best birthday ever. Now that it was over, I just wanted to go back and live in it. But with salt water still in my hair, I guess I sort of still am. I wonder what I'll do today. There thankfully isn't any school today because it's a teacher/parent day. Lucky for us though we don't have any parents to go talk to our teachers so we can never get it trouble for bad grades! No just kidding, most of the boys are legal already so they have to be responsible for themselves, and Ash and Max are like parents to us anyways. 

I got up slowly out of my warm, fluffy bed, and stretched my arms up as my feet touched the cold floor. I didn't realize how sore I would be from yesterday's hiking and swimming. Walking over to the bathroom, I looked in the mirror out of habit and saw that apparently I did get my beauty sleep. My hair was messy but somehow it looked good in it's low messy bun, and my natural look suited me well. After coming out of the bathroom, I grabbed my phone to see if there were any notifications, then I remembered I had gotten some from last night as I was falling asleep. I was surprised to find so many. There were like ten from Instagram, twenty from Snapchat, a few random texts, it's like I missed One Direction's reunion and people are trying to let me know or something. 

Unknown: I can't believe you

Unknown: I should have known you were like this

Snapchat: haha sk**k 

Snapchat: you ****

Snapchat: What a twig, seriously 

Snapchat: If you needed some food, you could just ask. You don't need to beg like that. 

Instagram: Someone give this w**** a burger

Instagram: is this supposed to be flattering Annabelle? 

Snapchat: How has Ash not snapped her in half yet like the twig she is? 

Instagram:  Wait, is this her spam account?

Unknown: Ew. Ew. Ew. and we thought you were hot this whole time? You're a ******* ****.

Unknown: At least you're admitting it but you don't need to say it so publicly. 

I was so confused to see why there were so many dreadfully hateful comments from everyone until I finally found the source of what they were talking about. There was a picture of an extremely skinny girl with hardly a sliver of clothing on with my face. Even though it was not my body and I would never wear that or even take a picture like that, it was so well photoshopped that I had to confirm for myself that it wasn't me. My jaw dropped, but even worse was the caption referring to the fact that I slept with each of the boys multiple times and am "asking for it again". My phone dropped from my hand and landed hitting the floor, bouncing a few times. I forgot how to breath. The air became cold, the blood from my body seemed to rush through me then disappear leaving me pale. My hand starting shaking. The room was completely still for a moment and then it felt like a rocking boat. 

"W-w-w...what?" I was so confused, hurt, angry, ashamed, embarrassed, absolutely mortified. Who would do this?? Oh wait... I can figure that out easily... but why? Why me? Why this extreme? Why the edited picture? Why such disgusting things? What did I ever do to them that would make them...

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