Chapter 15: Birthday Girl

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The moment I opened my eyes, I was excited for today, and my mind was filled with energy. Although I realized my body wasn't so much when I got up so fast I was immediately light headed and got a massive head rush. After a minute though I was fine and reached for my phone. I still had a few minutes until my alarm went off, however there was a notification.

Mom: Happy 17th Birthday sweet Annabelle!

A big smile spread across my face looking at her text. I haven't heard from her or dad in weeks because of the poor internet connection where they are, so this text meant more to me than any text I've ever received. I tried to reply, but the message never read "delivered", so I just had to enjoy the message I got and continue on to get ready for school.

I turned on my favorite songs and danced around my room as I got ready for what I hoped to be the perfect day with just enough celebration but not too much stimulation. It would be weird celebrating a birthday without my parents or Kierra, but at least I get to spend today with my new family and LA.

I danced around my closet singing along to my music in my awful morning voice as I put on my cute yellow floral jumper, curled my hair, put on my adorable white high heeled sandals, and put on a little bit more makeup than normal. After walking away from my closet's giant mirror, I looked down at Holly who was looking up at me with her big brown eyes.

"Welp. Today's the day. My first birthday without Mom and Dad," I said sadly as there's nothing I could do about it. Holly tilted her head curiously which caused me to have a small smile. I then grabbed my bag and started to head downstairs.

Minding my own business, I walked into the kitchen when I suddenly heard a loud pop or a gunshot or something. I jumped. Confetti was flying through the air.

"Happy Birthday!" all six of the guys jumped out from behind the kitchen island or behind the fridge door or in a cabinet. They were all smiling and looking at me for my reaction. I put my hand on my heart making sure I was still alive from the jump scare and my mouth was wide open mixed with a smile.

"You guys! You nearly gave me a heart attack!" I laughed. "But thank you."

They all walked towards me and formed a giant group hug. I was almost worried they'd mess up my hair, but it was such a sweet moment that I didn't care. After our group hug, Josh gestured to the tray full of pancakes on the kitchen island with a stack of plates and jugs of syrup next to it. "Ta da! Your birthday breakfast!" I gasped and walked over to them.

"Aw! This is amazing! Thanks Josh!" I said.

"Actually everyone helped make them! That's why some of them are burnt, those would be the ones Blake made," Josh explained. I laughed.

Blake scoffed. "They're still good though," he mumbled.

I smiled more. "Well thank you all then." I noticed that the biggest pancake on the tray was in the shape of a crown. "What's this for?"

"That would be your first pancake. It's a crown because you're our birthday princess," Jordan said.

"False," Max blurted out. Everyone looked at him confused. "I mean, it's true I guess, but it's more like because you're a queen. Whether that means you rule over us I'm not entirely sure, but you don't need us to be the beautiful, kind queen you are."

I looked up at him stunned. Those were the most beautiful words ever, and all I could do was hug him since I was so speechless. Soon we all began eating and laughing about how many pancakes everyone could eat until we realized after 5 pancakes each, most of us were going to be late for school. 

I picked up my bag as the others grabbed their backpacks from off the floor. Ash held out his hand to me in a gentlemanly style and I looked up at him confused. "May I escort you to school, Queen Annabelle?"

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