Chapter 3: 1st Day

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I heard a knock at the door, and in the midst of the end of a dream I was having, I ignored it. A minute later a pillow crashed onto my face waking me up completely. 

"What was that for?" I asked waking up to see Tyler and Blake standing there sort of laughing at me. 

"C'mon  you've been in bed all morning," Tyler complained. 

As I moved my hair out of my face, I looked at my phone to see it was already 11am. "Oh, I'm sorry," I said groggily, realizing I have no idea what their morning to routine looks like so I probably am disrupting it. 

"Breakfast is downstairs, the rest of us already ate," Blake said. That seemed to be all they needed to tell me, so they left the room. I yawned as I stepped out of bed onto the cool, hardwood floor. First morning in the house, this might be interesting. I went to my closet and changed into a white t-shirt and jean shorts, brushed my hair, then headed downstairs. 

"Good morning sleeping beauty!"

"There she is!"

I was greeted by Max and Josh who were standing there in the kitchen. In my opinion, those two are probably the most calm, reliable boys of this family. 

"Good morning," I said and noticed the bowl of oatmeal set out for me. 

"What are your plans for today?" Max asked me. 

"Oh um," I hadn't even thought of what I'd do today if I had a choice. "I was thinking just whatever you guys are doing."

"Ok, well, we all have our separate things today. Blake and I have to help out our old neighbor down the street, Ash is planning on working on some of the cars more, Tyler has guitar lessons then he's going to a movie with his friends, I don't know what Max and Jordan have planned though," Josh explained. 

"Ok..." I said processing everything. Then I guess I'll be on my own for a bit. What do I have to do though? I mean I guess I could use some more clothes.... "Hmm. Would it be okay if I go shopping?" I asked. 

"Sure, you can ask Ash which car you can drive," Max said. 

"Oh uh... I actually don't have my license yet... I was going to learn how but then everything happened," I said unsure if I could go shopping now. 

"Ok, that's no problem. I can take you shopping if you want," Max offered. 

"Really?" I asked surprised. I had always thought guys hated shopping. I'm not sure why, I just did. Max nodded his head. 

"And we can drag Jordan along too since he isn't doing anything today," he said. I smiled. Today might be really fun. 


"Ugh, seriously? The mall?" Jordan complained as we walked through the entrance of the LA mall. The place was huge which made me excited. I'm not the type of person to spend all day at the mall for the sake of getting lots of stuff going into debt for fun, but I did need more clothes since I had to leave a lot of my old ones behind. Plus, the boys said they are treating me today since I'm the only girl at the house currently. (OoOoO I feel like royalty :))

"Oh be quiet Jordan, you love shopping sometimes," Max said.

"Sometimes," Jordan mumbled which made me almost laugh at his attitude. 

"Alright Annabelle, you lead the way, we're shopping for you," Max said. 

"Ok," I said. I felt like I had such control now that it made me happy. Where to first though? I had only been in a mall a few times since my hometown only had one an hour away in another city. I walked over to a directory and looked at all my options. I decided to go to American Eagle first, since that was the closest to where we were at the moment. 

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